Example sentences of "and [vb base] up [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You ask for a chair and four telephone directories and rig up an impromptu table near the only plug — and ask all your prospective clients to turn their heads around .
2 Cut in a tee at this point , and connect up the new runs .
3 This allowed us to line the side curtains in striped fabric and make up a flat roof instead of a gathered one .
4 Clear away topsoil and make up a simple formwork of timber supported by pegs set on the outside .
5 Erm so do you feel that in the years that you 've worked here are women just as important in the factory and make up a large part of the workforce now as they , as they 've ever done ?
6 When the children arrive you give them each a balloon and make up a convenient number of teams .
7 When cheques are cashed a transfer is automatically made from the deposit account to meet the payment and make up the current account to £20 .
8 These two lie close together , and make up an equilateral triangle with Zeta Puppis and Lambda Velorum .
9 And obviously that you can do , but it takes time , it 's quicker just to walk into a travel agent and pick up a cheap bargain .
10 Now I lean forward and pick up a dead bird whose wings sag open like a fan or like the streets of Berlin under their cam nets .
11 I am ushered reverently into a cabin and pick up the quaint hand set , which has an additional round earpiece for clamping over the spare ear , so that I see myself reflected in the glass like a radio operator or a session singer .
12 ‘ Then come with me and pick up the latest reports .
13 and and erm a and build up a little bit of er text on just how good we are , and what we can produce , and how well equipped we are .
14 If you are going to be away from work for a period in the future , you will have to pay the full rate when you return to paid employment , so it might be as well to start now , and build up the maximum benefit .
15 Chairman Reacher , who admitted last weekend that he had already started contemplating life without Brian , added : ‘ We are going to get this club back on the rails and climb up the Premier League .
16 I scramble down a muddy , leaf-littered bank and into a chilly stream at the bottom ; it flows over one boot and I whisper , ‘ Shit ’ and squelch up the far bank , holding onto the cold branches of bushes and the mud-slimy roots of trees .
17 She heard him catch at air , and cough up the last slime of the river .
18 Look at figure 1 at the end of this chapter and cover up the last column .
19 I retrace my steps and walk up the righthand arm of the T , where the roadway is closed by a second set of iron gates .
20 ‘ go around and hold up the northern half of this wood .
21 try and speak up a little bit because we 've still got the tapes going .
22 Working on entirely different design principles , each successfully publicised their stunters to capture public attention in the mid 1970s and open up a new wave of enthusiasm .
23 Answer guide : Reduce the bank column by £100 and open up a new asset column for the new asset , a desk , and put £100 in that column .
24 But I mean a mother that could n't sleep all night , and get up the next day , having to cope with the family , erm you know , thing things like that , they 're very difficult .
25 At the end , you were totally blind and deaf to it , you 'd go to sleep and wake up the next morning and the mix was still going on !
26 It is truly said that he can go to bed at night with a clear sky as far as Home Affairs are concerned and wake up the next morning with a major crisis on his hands .
27 Occasionally , they kill soldiers , and blow up the odd bridge or a railway line , but essentially they are an impotent and marginal force currently engaged in peace talks with the military .
28 COUNCILLORS in Wrexham Maelor are to undertake a survey of trees in the area and draw up a firm policy on tree protection .
29 Starting with a bank loan of £4,000 , Roddick had no time to sit down in the early years and draw up a grandiose mission of what her organisation should set out to achieve .
30 Remove the boxes and Plasticine , and tidy up the rough edges , using a craft knife .
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