Example sentences of "and [vb base] at the [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 The last four articles ( 17–20 ) deal with teachers as individuals and look at the forces and pressures on them .
2 I mean , maybe what I 'm hearing from the committee is that we take it back and look at the criteria and the ground rules .
3 Nine o'clock — we go down to the park and look at the trees and animals which is very interesting .
4 Now this year what I 've done is actually going to see the form teacher and look at the classes and they 've actually given me a lot more information this year and hopefully , keep our fingers crossed , the classes are very varied and we have good , we have middling , and we have the not so good and we 've tried to keep those like that .
5 Even along the coast in the marvellous new holiday centres , you will appreciate the deep blue seas and surprisingly uncrowded beaches , and wonder at the mountains and fragrant , herb-scented woods which tumble down to the shore .
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