Example sentences of "and [vb base] you [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll make your blood run cold and make you laugh on the Sinister side of your face at Women 's Wit and Wickedness .
2 He put out his hand towards her now but did n't touch her , saying , ‘ Do n't faint ; it wo n't help you any because I 'll only revive you with a jug of cold water and make you listen to the finish .
3 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
4 Put yourself in the hands of our experts , who will transform your hair and make-up and let you try on the latest fashions .
5 ‘ That 's better , ’ said Joe , ‘ in that kind of mood I could put you on a horse and let you join in the charge of the Light Brigade . ’
6 If I if I do n't know the answer I 'll find out in the interim period and let you know at the end of the session .
7 I decided to put pen to paper and let you know of a few problems some of us have in trying to become machine knitters .
8 QRAM can exploit these capabilities and give you access to the unused RAM that sits between 640Kb and 1,024Kb .
9 Then they frisk you and give you a dressing-gown and tell you to go into a cubicle and strip off and wait .
10 And he used to sort of ask you questions you know , sort of sit there and pick on you and if he knew you did n't have the faintest idea what he was going on about he 'd ask you all the more , see , and if you could n't answer it , he used to come up to you , look at you , would n't say nothing , give you this funny look and tell you to get in the next room .
11 Then we 'll begin with some limbering-up exercises , to loosen you up and get you accustomed to the skis .
12 Choose phones which have generously sized earmuffs as they will keep out the direct sound and allow you to concentrate on the audio signal itself .
13 Let me be buried in lead at Claydon next to where your father proposes to lie himself , and let no stranger wind me , nor do not let me be stripped , but put a clean smock on me , and let my face be hid and do you stay in the room and see me wound and laid in the first coffin , which must be of wood if I do not die of any infectious disease , else I am so far from desiring it that I forbid you to come near me .
14 And do you care for the times ? ’ said Willoughby to Edward .
15 And do you remember as a child , people used to talk of four and twenty and five and twenty past ?
16 And do you look at the You magazine with Mail on Sunday ?
17 So you listen , damn it , or I 'll get the next plane out , and leave you to cope with the whole bloody lot . ’
18 Good training is there to support you and help you grow as an actor — and usually , it works .
19 And have you writing in the newspaper that I was a drug addict ?
20 ‘ Are you ’ , I continued , ‘ unable to lay your hands on familiar domestic objects , and have you come to the conclusion that someone must be moving them ? ’
21 You may like to add the name of one or two referees to your c.v. , either to vouch for your general honesty and reliability or to confirm that you have the skills and experience you claim in the c.v .
22 The grading should reflect the actual responsibilities of the job , and any additional qualifications and experience you bring to the job : follow the advice given on contracts and job descriptions generally and be careful to establish what the parameters of the contract are before you agree to it .
23 " And see you hanged at the end of it , like as not .
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