Example sentences of "and [vb base] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I saw Yet drag himself up , eyes charged with fear , and make for the door to the lower regions .
2 He watched him move quickly across the alley , and make for the patch of deep shadow under the iron stairs .
3 Fiedler 's analysis can be described by a 3-dimensional cube in which one dimension represents the level of respect and trust for the leader amongst subordinates , a second dimension is the degree to which the tasks of the group are clearly defined , and a third dimension is the degree to which the leader has power and authority to reward or punish subordinates .
4 On the other hand to characterise a bad clause as voidable must mean that it is possible for one party to bring contractual relations to an end and sue for the return of money/goods .
5 Must he now grind his pride in the dust and sue for the hand of she to whom he owed that indignity ?
6 We will introduce a 110-day limit on the length of time for which a prisoner may be held before trial , repeal the broadcasting ban , and provide for the videotaping of police interviews with terrorist suspects .
7 It does not do so ; standing orders recognise this position of dominance and provide for the devotion of most of the time of the House of government business , including Bills .
8 The court may require any property transferred as part of the transaction to be vested in the company , release any security given by the company , require ‘ any person ’ to make payments to the administrator or liquidator in respect of benefits received by him from the company , provide for a guarantor whose obligations have been discharged to be under revived obligations , provide for security to be given for the discharge of obligations imposed by the order and for the priority which such security shall have , and provide for the extent to which persons may be able to prove in the winding up .
9 It authorized $5 million annually for five years ( later extended to 1964 ) to support research , provide technical assistance to public and private organizations , and provide for the training of technical personnel .
10 Iris and her group were absent , it having been agreed before they set off that they would have lunch in St-Jean-du-Gard and telephone for the mini-bus from the station at Anduze on their return .
11 On behalf of their inarticulate owners , these clothes say ‘ I 'm not playing ! ’ and then sit on the sidelines ( so you can see how upset you 've made them ) , and wait for the world to be nice .
12 Mid-sole : the layer between the sole and insole of the boot , which is anatomically shaped and designed to give the correct amount of flex and support for the activity for which the boot is designed .
13 Release 3 of the internal code is also new , and supports connections to SNA , APPN and TCP/IP environments , adding 3174 APPN Network Node compatibility in environments where the host is a Low Entry Networking node , APPN End Node , APPN Network Node , Migration Data Host or Interchange Node ; support for multiple links into a LEN subarea from an APPN network comprised of 3174s and other APPN nodes ; and support for the transfer of 3270 and APPN datastreams across a single SDLC or Token-Ring link between a 3174 and an AS/400 running OS/400 2.2 up .
14 The USSR provided inspiration and support for the liberation of the masses of eastern Europe , for the overthrow of imperialist exploitation in Asia and Africa , and for progressive forces throughout the world .
15 Pacifism and support for the League of Nations ( which were not always compatible ) appeared to have mass support , particularly in 1934 when the " Peace Ballot " was launched .
16 The publicity surrounding the Gates visit was seen as part of US moves to put increased pressure on the Iraqi government , as were other " covert " US-backed activities — a propaganda campaign inside Iraq and support for the creation of a single leadership of Iraqi opponents to the regime .
17 Will my right hon. Friend have a word with our right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary about utilising the British information services to maximum effect , especially in north America , in the hope of cutting off the supply of money , sympathy and support for the sort of depraved attack that occurred on Saturday , and to show IRA sympathisers in America precisely what is happening ?
18 For the purposes of voting , a secured creditor may value his security and vote for the excess of his debt over the security held .
19 Laz , I said to myself , Laz , something pretty weird 's going on here , and if you do n't get on to your agent and negotiate for the use of another couple of sets , you 're gon na be standing in this Goddamn alleyway for the rest of the book
20 Then cast a little further out , over the line of the crease , and watch for the difference in speed as the float travels downstream .
21 I vote we walk into it and look for the summit under the water . ’
22 He 'd open the door , take a few sips , close the door and look for the principal in the toilet .
23 It also had many of the features of a private club , operated and run for the benefit of its members .
24 The ballet is also based on the traditional Russian wedding rites which prepare both Bride and Groom for the ceremony before the wedding feast .
25 If the party now announced it was going to introduce real democracy by giving England her rightful representation this would cause a sensation , sweep aside the pat-ball politics and allow for the start of serious thinking about the future of the UK .
26 The critics argued that some cut-back or restraint in spending or provision was necessary , both to fund tax cuts and allow for the concentration of resources on the most needy .
27 Contracts made by any agent in pursuance of the principal 's instructions are binding on , and operate for the benefit of , the latter .
28 So , you see , you do n't have to go to win ; you can join the huge ranks of the A N Others and go for the hell of it .
29 If they ca n't be resolved then agree on the amount of the problem involved , isolate it and ask for the payment of any uncontested balance .
30 ( Y ) If a really important item appears in A.O.B. the Chairman should cut discussion short and ask for the problem to be put down as a main item for the next meeting .
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