Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nigger barked in annoyance , and moved out into the more bearable climate of the dry heat rooms .
2 The concierge doffed his hat to her as she crossed the black and white tiled foyer and after smiling at him she unlocked the door of her small flat and entered directly into the sparsely furnished lounge .
3 We turned left , took a deep breath , and changed down to the very smallest chaining .
4 Franco , however , instinctively rejected the risks involved in an audacious operation and opted instead for the less ambitious objective of driving a wedge between the city and its northern line of defence , in the Guadarrama mountains , by severing the road and rail communications north-westwards out of the city , towards La Coruña .
5 Samuel Barber 's Adagio for Strings was well enough played but lacked the last ounce of passion , and suffered badly from the aurally obtrusive air conditioning system , Randall Thompson 's Alleluya showed that the Festival Chorus on this occasion were equally as adept at unaccompanied singing as their counterparts had been last week .
6 The next morning Tony parked his car and walked slowly towards the newly completed office block .
7 Gunnell , running a controlled race , came through strongly into the final bend and pulled away in the straight to win by half a second .
8 Gunnell , running a controlled race , came through strongly into the final bend and pulled away in the straight to win by half a second .
9 Lord James added : ‘ These efforts must now be redoubled and focused increasingly on the most pressing problems . ’
10 The drinkers , drunk as they were , full of glasses of wine , fell back from the man , who , with the rags he wore , had surprisingly clean white underpants — what struck Rab — raised his coat and squatted down as the most natural thing in the world .
11 Her legs were long and elongated further by the very high heels which she wore .
12 Benin eased the velvet curtains apart and looked out over the brightly lit garden .
13 Julius strolled over and looked down at the quietly flowing water .
14 Feeling heat suffuse her cheeks , she quickly turned her head away before Gwen could notice and stared straight into the brightly enquiring hazel eyes of a young boy .
15 She emerged at the bottom of the hill and stared up at the brilliantly burning pyres by the cruig-morn .
16 The trousers had followed the jacket on to the chair , leaving only a pair of grey and white striped boxer shorts , and in dumb amazement she clutched the towel around her and stared reluctantly at the most impressive male body she 'd ever seen , well over six feet of muscle and sinew and matt-looking olive-tanned skin .
17 In the morning , I telephoned Mrs Baudelaire and listened again to the almost girlish voice on the wire .
18 Thus they were , in majority , from professional and administrative families , and grew up within the newly regularized ( reformed ) educational system of ‘ public ’ school and university .
19 So he went back to bed and slid in beside the now silent , still figure of Emily , and nursed his throbbing right wrist with his left hand and imagined himself as one of those recumbent stone knights you sometimes see in churches , stretched out with arms crossed at the breast , cold and grey and dead , feeling no pain .
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