Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Léonie smiled at Thérèse in the mirror and zipped her up at the back .
2 Someone had seen the open door , and fastened it up in a fit of misplaced zeal .
3 So er I went down the Red Lion in Willenhall and fixed him up for a night 's dosh , did n't I , and the driver and then er I worked on , worked on and on and was able to get these er done for him to take back to fit this ship .
4 He stood there , his face awash with blood , his swollen mouth hanging open , but still conscious , still awake enough to see his younger brother 's eyes as they fixed his own and lined him up for the coup de grace .
5 Returning thoughtfully to his own back bedroom , he tuned one of his receivers to the frequency he had read off the antenna and hooked it up to a tape machine .
6 Naturally , I can resist anything but flattery and lapped it up like a hungry cat does milk .
7 A deep-voiced character with five o'clock shadow all over his face and fists like Popeye the Sailor grabbed the girl by her Indian beads and slammed her up against the mantelpiece .
8 Bernard grabbed the front of Barak 's shirt and slammed him up against the wall .
9 He grabbed Brett the moment he opened the door and slammed him up against the wall .
10 Then the Sheikha took her needle and drove it up through the middle of the quarter-inch nub , anchoring the fabric .
11 He continued to carry her out of the gate to his carriage , and lifted her up to the seat .
12 She went straight to her jug of water and lifted it up by the handle and peered inside .
13 And do n't forget the fellow who saved all his apple pips and crunched them up as a special treat ( apple-pip kernels , like those of plum , peach and apricot , contain tiny quantities of cyanide ) : he died .
14 She took the paper napkin from her lap and crunched it up into a tight ball , dropping it on to her plate .
15 Detectives believed the armed man must have run inside the hospital and holed himself up in the office .
16 What if he had n't left yet — she could ring him and tell him she 'd chickened out , and he could flap his wings and tease her but at least she would n't have to — oh , hell , here he is , she thought , and watched as the huge bike rolled to a halt and he switched off the engine and hauled it up on the stand .
17 With a muffled groan she rolled on to her side and screwed herself up into a tight ball , alternately hot and shivery with emotion .
18 ‘ Damn cheek , ’ he muttered , and hitched himself up onto the edge of the couch .
19 Phil was so anxious to get to sea that I was finishing typing my report as we entered the lock , and handed it up to the local officer as the seaward lock gate opened .
20 But their defence could do nothing as winger Sharpe burst down the left and opened them up with a devastating cross .
21 It is believed that one of them moved the regulator and opened it up with the result that the train was soon out of control .
22 Too tired to think any more , she kicked off her sandals and freshened herself up in the scented blue-tiled bathroom , brushing her hair and wiping her hands and face , and then her feet , on the fluffiest white towel she had ever felt .
23 It 's like I took a completed album of all kinds of different songs and threw it up in the air and it came crashing down .
24 Smoothly , he worked the action of the Winchester , and swung it up towards the centre of the windscreen .
25 David designed the first poster for our first Sunday evening and stuck it up outside the pub .
26 And the wind took him up pony and all , and plumped him up against the hedge . ’
27 The local police kindly agreed to come in on the act and a few off-duty policemen pretended to stalk the burglars and locked them up for the night at a disused police station at Ironbridge !
28 Then Charley Bates and the Dodger took away Oliver 's expensive new suit , gave him some old clothes , and locked him up in a dark room .
29 Gallagher drove his right fist into his stomach and followed it up with a left to the mouth .
30 THE EBDG group 's chairman , Paul Bennetts , has welcomed the Commons vote and followed it up with a plea to quickly rejoin the ERM .
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