Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The face loomed up out of the darkness and leered at her through the rain-soaked glass .
2 ‘ Serendipitous , eh ? ’ he said , and leered at me through the artificial gloom , his rubber lips curling up .
3 And of course , Bullitt had directly observed the man and interacted with him during the critical time at , at the Versailles conference .
4 Only I would have probably braked , changed down ended up in second and crept past it on the inside and then speeded up again .
5 He constructed his own refined version of the newly-invented telescope and peered through it from the top of St Mark 's tower in Venice .
6 A dog with more breeds in its blood than hairs on its back foamed and yapped at them from the limit of its rope ; the curtains of several trailers were drawn back by shadowy witnesses ; two girls in early adolescence , both with hair so long and blonde they looked to have been baptized in gold ( unlikely beauty , in such a place ) rose from beside the fire , one running as if to alert guards , the other watching the newcomers with a smile somewhere between the seraphic and the cretinous on her face .
7 As the two women were saying their goodbyes he came to the end of his task , switched off the motor-mower and headed with it towards the narrow gate at the side of the house .
8 A Briton known to leaders of a charity based in Northampton discovered them and fled with them to the relative safety of Split .
9 Mother and daughter were glad of each other 's company then , while the electric storm boomed and crashed around them in the black night , as if aiming for this one exposed place .
10 Then she jumped up from the bed before he could grab her again and darted past him to the window .
11 As relief spread to pure pleasure she waved and came towards him across the yard like a young girl .
12 Now he drained it and squinted at her through the glass .
13 Having reached the most distant onlookers , a young couple pushing up-and-down a baby in a pram , the girl drew tight the neck of the bag and strolled with it to the stage .
14 Rather than spend too long on developing a perfect composition , I settled for a core arrangement of objects that looked good together and added to it as the drawing and colouring progressed .
15 The secret language , the underground stream that forced through her like a river , that rose and danced inside her like the pulling jet of a fountain , that wetted her face and hands like fine spray , that joined her back to what she had lost , to something she had once intimately known , that she could hardly believe would always be there as it was now , which waited for her and called her by her name .
16 After about five minutes a middle-aged woman appeared in the doorway and , seeing Lucy , stopped and frowned at her over the top of her glasses .
17 The woman smiled and nodded at me through the noise that made a surrounding silence .
18 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
19 He stood up and walked beside her to the edge of the wood where his horse was tethered .
20 Penry sighed , picked her up , and walked with her to the door .
21 Alan showed me another way out of the bar , so we avoided Young Trotsky , and walked with me to the van .
22 The Doctor stepped back , watched her for a moment , and walked round her to the console at which Britta was working .
23 He spread it out , and glanced from it to the screen .
24 Cautiously he mounted the remaining stairs , recognised the figure for what it was and stepped over it to the wheelhouse .
25 If I think the short-term one first , that 's perhaps the most obvious one , in the sense that most is written and talked about it at the moment , erm namely the cutbacks on expenditure in education .
26 Gav — who probably epitomised thick-skulledness , though admittedly would not be amongst one 's first fifteen when it came to offering proof of heavy traffic within the central nervous system — opened one bleary eye and focused on me with the same accuracy one has grown to expect from security forces aiming baton rounds at protesters ' legs .
27 He seemed a little tense , and looked past me at the bedroom door ; and I was reminded of that first day .
28 She flashed the note around , proudly though covertly , and looked for him at the bus stop , but she could not look for him without some misgiving .
29 Adam wondered if Abigail sometimes woke up and looked for him in the dark , in the empty room , and fretted for a while before she began to cry .
30 They combined erm the four hundred and fifty odd erm four hundred and seventeen sorry patients in er several M R C studies and looked at them from the point of view of erm prognostic markers for occurrence and they came up with two factors which overridingly were more important than the others .
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