Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [verb] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dalziel and Pascoe looked at each other for a long moment after the door had slammed behind Evans .
2 [ A total change of mood — BELVILLE and PAMELA sit at either end of the table . ]
3 Algernon and Heinrich glanced at each other .
4 And she and Marie smiled at each other , like conspirators .
5 He and Branson looked at each other with the candour of two people who know they are utterly different , but for one shared resolution .
6 Juliet and David looked at each other .
7 He and Valerie looked at each other as cordially as two people who loathe each other can .
8 Jenny and Antony looked at each other , brown eyes unblinkingly fixed on blue , over the rims of their upraised pint pots .
9 Jenny and Antony looked at each other dubiously .
10 But between 1850 and 1890 even Austro-Hungary , Norway and Ireland urbanised at this rate , Belgium and the United States at between 0.30 and 0.40 , Prussia , Australia and Argentina at between 0.40 and 0.50 , England and Wales ( still leading by a short head ) and Saxony at over 0.50 per annum .
11 Fand and Liban stood at either side of the door , more stiff and still than ever .
12 His voice was low and softly timbred and Ruth wondered at such cruelty .
13 When you and Chantal arrived at that accommodation agency I had just been talking to the proprietor .
14 " When he went upstairs to change for dinner , Lady Agatha and Fidelma looked at each other . "
15 Mary and Reggie looked at each other , at her , and went hastily into their bedroom .
16 Karr and Chen looked at each other , some sign of understanding passing between them , then Karr looked back at Haavikko .
17 From the later 1830s the rulers of Prussia and Russia maintained at each other 's courts military plenipotentiaries , high-ranking officers whose role in relations between the two monarchs was often more important than that of any diplomat .
18 When shall we ask Jackie and Tom to look at that photo ?
19 ‘ My own family was pretty undistinguished , and Stephen had at any rate a respectable reputation in his own field — though I probably overvalued it at the time .
20 Mahmoud and Owen looked at each other , then with one accord started walking .
21 Sam and Rose looked at each other and at the dark , empty square .
22 Sam and Rose mouthed at each other : ‘ Candle by the bed , ’ and nodded .
23 Ace and Daak looked at each other .
24 Paul and Nasey looked at each other with widened eyes .
25 The Captain and Bacci looked at each other through the communicating door .
26 Hope and Mary looked at each other in astonishment but , determined to humour the old gentleman , they said nothing .
27 Mr Cottle looked up to acknowledge the reaction to this information , but at once looked down again when he saw Mungo and Emily grinning at each other .
28 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , searching for signs of belief that something could still be made of the occasion .
29 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , their eyes gutted of all expression .
30 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other — ‘ tell these people ’ !
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