Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , his ultimate intentions must remain doubtful because in September Warwick and Clarence invaded with French backing and Edward and his brother had to flee into exile in the Low Countries .
2 However , his ultimate intentions must remain doubtful because in September Warwick and Clarence invaded with French backing and Edward and his brother had to flee into exile in the Low Countries .
3 I want to know whether you and Melanie slept in this bed together . ’
4 Dalziel and Pascoe looked at each other for a long moment after the door had slammed behind Evans .
5 Hilbert and Lewis and Beryl sat in old-fashioned deck chairs with striped canvas seats .
6 She and Frances fell on each other .
7 Malkin 's far post cross was headed down by Nevin for Irons to crash a shot off the bar and Aldridge netted from close range .
8 The engine is a P6 type with a manual lift pump and SU carbs with automatic choke .
9 [ A total change of mood — BELVILLE and PAMELA sit at either end of the table . ]
10 The East German won , the Frenchman came second and Allan qualified in third place .
11 The cover picture of a paperback edition of She and Allan published for popular consumption in 1960 implied that this was a ‘ romantic ’ novel , but the orthodox young , handsome ‘ hero ’ depicted there bears little relation to the ‘ insignificant and withered hunter ’ whose presence , helped by that of the warrior Umslopagaas , coolly acceptant of mystery , pulls this tale of Ayesha round into the robust atmosphere of Rider Haggard 's most typical African adventures .
12 Costa Rica and Panama agreed on ecological protection measures for their joint border areas .
13 Him and Gary went to that Market over in Tucker .
14 In this way , Man and Daurog lived in uneasy harmony for many generations , each keeping to their realm , each finding power in the other , each recognizing the other in themselves …
15 Lancaster and Lincoln served on this basis in Gascony in 1294 and 1298 ; and in Edward II 's reign contract armies became more common as a means of defending the northern border in the absence of the king .
16 They differed greatly in size and structure , but Great Britain , Belgium and Germany fell into this group .
17 Equally significant for the political equilibrium was the rapport which de Gaulle and Adenauer had with each other .
18 Algernon and Heinrich glanced at each other .
19 After the wedding he and Margaret and Macnab moved to another flat , in Onslow Gardens , South Kensington , where the two men issued a prospectus and set themselves up as private tutors .
20 At four o'clock , nearly an hour before sunrise , the first blackbird began to sing and Thorfinn moved from light sleep to full awareness a moment before Klakkr son of Bathrik , his body-servant for many years , touched him on the shoulder and gave him the sentry 's report : no movement from the enemy in the wood .
21 And she and Marie smiled at each other , like conspirators .
22 The human figure always played a much more important part in the work of Picasso than in that of Braque , and Picasso looked with particular interest at Cézanne 's figure work .
23 He and Branson looked at each other with the candour of two people who know they are utterly different , but for one shared resolution .
24 Instantly he did a lightning U-turn and set out back to the stables , leaving Perdita swearing on the stone-hard ground while all the onlookers roared with laughter and Alejandro shouted in broken English at her .
25 How could the undiluted works of Kautsky and Engels appeal to this audience at a time when even party members at lower levels rarely understood the meaning of such concrete words as ‘ official ’ , ‘ categorical ’ , ‘ Plenum ’ , ‘ memorandum ’ , or ‘ territory ’ ?
26 In fact , in the race , he and Ronnie bashed into each other on the sixth lap .
27 Ken and Orton related to each other , not just because of their similar sexual proclivities but because of their backgrounds .
28 Juliet and David looked at each other .
29 Suvarov had much to say about the territorial ambitions of Marshal Stalin and David interrupted at one moment to ask whether Suvarov had ever met him .
30 He and Valerie looked at each other as cordially as two people who loathe each other can .
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