Example sentences of "and [adv] also [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 According to the Crown 's argument , this provision seems to be unnecessary and must have been included in the Act ( and presumably also in the draft Bill ) as a mere matter of convenience .
2 Besides the spireless tower , Wynford pioneered the co-ordinated plan of lodgings , in the upper ward of Windsor Castle , at New College , and at Winchester , and perhaps also at the Vicars ' Close in Wells .
3 It 's very likely they will want to focus very hard on the economics of generating electricity from nuclear and perhaps also on the financing of nuclear power stations .
4 It has often been suggested that the active self-government practised by the Athenians was only made possible by the existence of slavery , and perhaps also by the existence of empire as a source of revenue to pay for democracy .
5 From 1836 he visited Italy on more than one occasion , but these travels appear to have been prompted more by recreational than professional pursuits — he made a collection of Roman coins , medals , and other antiquities — and perhaps also by the state of his health .
6 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
7 Some , in particular France and Germany , would like to give preferential treatment to living artists ( and possibly also to the artists ' heirs ) when selling their own works .
8 But there are also maternal ailments attributable to the number of births , the ages at which women bear children and possibly also to the amount of time that elapses between births , presumably , among other things , because the reproductive pattern influences ability to meet demands that pregnancy and breastfeeding make upon the body .
9 Sheep should also be treated at least once at the start of the dry season and preferably also before the start of prolonged rain to remove persisting hypobiotic larvae whose development could pose a future threat .
10 The Prince , and later also as the king , was often embarrassed in her presence and sometimes poked fun at her .
11 It involved the registration of the seafaring inhabitants of the coastal areas of France ( and later also of the population on the banks of navigable rivers ) and the creation in this way of a pool of experienced sailors who could be used in manning the fleet .
12 The implementation of key targets as operational components of the new strategy — and hence also of the process of negotiation — may be conceived in the time frame of a decade but only in the form of a dynamic process , with different time frames for different components , and with an in-built and effective mechanism for review and reappraisal , leading to adjustments and correctives whenever the strategy is seen to deflect from the goals and objectives of development for which it was devised .
13 The artist as subject is involved as authority for the authenticity of the subject as sitter and hence also for the legitimacy of the object as portrait .
14 Already towards the end of January , when it was made known that German troops were encircled in Stalingrad , the unease registered in numerous reports merged into critical comment expressing fundamental doubts about the necessity of the war with Russia and now also about the truth of Hitler 's explanations for the war .
15 Consider finally how even the man of knowledge , when he compels his spirit to knowledge which is counter to the inclination of his spirit and frequently also to the desires of his heart — by saying No , that is , when he would like to affirm , love , worship — disposes as an artist in and transfigurer of cruelty ; in all taking things seriously and thoroughly indeed there is already a violation , a desire to hurt the fundamental will of the spirit , which ceaselessly strives for appearance and the superficial — in all desire to know there is already a drop of cruelty .
16 These proposals were embodied in the NEC ‘ Action Programme ’ of 1973 , and then also in the party manifesto of February .
17 * Use topic sentences at the beginning ( and sometimes also at the end ) of paragraphs ( see p. 99 ) .
18 In some cases there is a strong peck-order operating within the group of males , and sometimes also within the group of females .
19 It is one of the weaknesses of the Wilson book , and unfortunately also of the Rutter and Jones book , that obvious alternative hypotheses are not considered — possibly because no research has been devoted to the elucidation of the causal chain .
20 In the process we become aware of the diversity — and therefore also of the relativity — of the different particular forms it has taken .
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