Example sentences of "and [adv] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was arranged that the source could be driven slowly to and fro at a low velocity using a transducer ; this motion produced a small Doppler shift in the frequency and energy of the emitted photons .
2 Levels of β-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 were highly significantly correlated both in control subjects and diabetic patients , confirming that these two proteins are released from the same platelet pool and presumably at the same rate .
3 ‘ I gather though that she 's not exactly a woman without a history — I daresay Aunt exaggerates — and rather at a loose end at present — and . ’
4 At the roundabout turn left onto the by-pass and right at the next round-about signposted Horspath .
5 So you can look at er communication as relating to overall competence and perhaps at a stronger level than that , you could argue that erm communication determines not only the structure but also the strength and the scope of an organisation , okay ?
6 She would rely on his discretion , and perhaps at the same time in some speechless way on his support .
7 ‘ If you look at something like raising a purchase order , what it tends to involve is combining bits of paper from different departments and only at the very end is a computer entry made — which is not a massive improvement on all-paper systems , ’ said .
8 Understanding involves an area more extensive than that of which one can be conscious ; one can not be outside and inside at the same time
9 A spokesman said the effect on borrowers will be marginal and amount to an extra £10 a month on mortgages of £30,000 and above at the typical interest rate of 8 per cent .
10 There was , for example , a downturn of 20 per cent in total enrolment of teacher trainees for secondary school and above at the National University 's Faculty of Education between 1982 and 1987 .
11 Now the bell is beginning to toll for indoor athletics at the station as , at long last , new facilities are being opened , at Kelvin Hall in Glasgow and soon at the big centre in Birmingham .
12 The lawyer looked at the will , then at Poole , and finally at the dead man on the floor .
13 And it was as she hesitated , thinking of Liam , touched as so often , and usually at the wrong moment , by the silence and sadness of him which so troubled her , wondering if a sugar stick would lighten it , that she felt herself suddenly surrounded not by the usual ebb and flow of the market day crowd but by something much more purposeful .
14 Further telephone borrowing is possible at the discretion of the Bank and usually at an increased rate of interest .
15 Mr Marsh was so incensed by the attempted prosecution that he took out a summons to obtain his costs , and yesterday at a brief hearing in the High Court the Attorney General agreed to pay his costs and not to take any further action on the matter .
16 Hauser paced slowly back and forth at the far end behind his empty chair as he spoke .
17 Therapy is commenced as early as possible , based on arterial oxygen levels and preferably at the same time as anti-PCP drug therapy .
18 In the case of a board for an islands area or division of an islands area , the members were to be elected at a meeting of the islands council to be held between May 16 , 1977. and June 30 , 1977 , and thereafter at the first meeting of the council after every ordinary election .
19 The plan is to put someone on all 277 Munros on the same day , and hopefully at the same time .
20 I ca n't of course foretell er what 's gon na happen in Eastern Europe , but looking externally er at the lower interest rates and the er more competitive value of the pound and internally at the improved cash flow and the actions that we 've been taking over for the past couple of years and I can say that there 's now generally a more optimistic feeling in the air amongst our group companies .
21 In 1196 he retired in order to become a monk , first at Studenica and later at the Serbian monastery of Hilendar on Mount Athos , both of which religious houses had been founded by him .
22 He was educated at Brompton Grammar School and later at the Royal College of Chemistry at Oxford Street .
23 She was mainly educated at home by governesses , and at school in Southport and later at the High School for Girls , Manchester .
24 The South Eastern Area supported the Appeal through public collections at events in the London area and also at a special street collection in Central London on 10 July .
25 Workshops at Ellesmere Port carry out the servicing , refuelling and washing of all P&O Roadtanks vehicles based at the depot and also at the massive Shell refinery at nearby Stanlow .
26 Manchester University organise extra-mural courses at the Dominican Centre in Withington , South Manchester , and also at the Wellspring Centre in Stockport .
27 To the left of the camera , and probably at the other end of the studio to get the size ratio right , we had a black draped set for the miniaturised companion to walk in front of .
28 Secrett , aged 38 and formerly at the International Institute of Environment and Development , spent eight years with FoE in the 1980s , when he campaigned on wildlife , rain forests and the countryside .
29 Figure 4.1 shows two such bodies A and B , both having mass m and both at a radial distance r from the star of mass M , A and B are a tangential distance ζ apart .
30 This provides the compound curve necessary so that the rail curves around the back and upwards at the same time .
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