Example sentences of "and [adv] with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The existing asylum procedures were clearly inadequate to deal fairly and effectively with the current level of asylum-seekers .
2 By dealing with the crisis in prisons by a Bill of this sort rather than dealing first and fundamentally with the overcrowding situation , the Home Secretary is attacking the symptoms , not the causes .
3 ( 1 ) Each member of and each beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body shall submit to the Council , in such form as the Council may from time to time prescribe , a covenant under seal ( referred to in these Rules as a ‘ Compensation Fund covenant ’ ) that he or it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of any shares in the body reimburse the Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Act where :
4 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] I will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
5 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
6 Certainly , the British survey researchers saw little or no need for theories ; hard facts were what was important and so with the early opinion researchers in the United States .
7 I imagine most people would want to get into this area in the smallest way and so with the smallest product , the postcard .
8 Wherever he went , first as prior at Canterbury , then as abbot of Peterborough , and finally as bishop of Rochester , Ernulf was associated with the revival of an interest in pre-Conquest traditions — with the revival of Anglo-Saxon liturgical practices at Canterbury , with the collection of Old English laws at Rochester , and perhaps with the renewed interest in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle at Peterborough .
9 Most of these were undetectable in that there were few enquiries I could pursue after the event ; for example , the purse stolen by an unknown thief an hour or two prior to the report and perhaps with the exact time and location of the theft unknown left little chance for skilled investigation .
10 In practice this power has been rarely used , and only with the greatest reluctance .
11 On the other hand there 's a certain inertia principle operating , it is always easier for an administration to do less than to do more in dealing with the Middle East , and especially with the central Palestine problem .
12 And allied to this are concerns about ‘ not getting the results ’ and about one 's reputation with colleagues in general , and especially with the senior staff whose opinion can make or break a career .
13 The survival of many stone walls and buildings , and especially churches , from the centuries of this book , testifies that even before the mid twelfth century their wealth and pride and religious sentiment were sufficient to beautify them in lasting materials — and often , and especially with the smaller ones , their condition reflects the declining prosperity of later centuries which saved their older buildings from being replaced .
14 Try sliding diagonally forwards and outwards with the front foot turned slightly inwards .
15 Most sheltered housing schemes are extremely successful and together with the domiciliary services allow some old people to retain their independence and their interest in life .
16 The King Charles II Suite with its traditional oak beams , caters beautifully for romantic wedding receptions , and together with the adjacent Althorpe Suite , is also perfect for conferences , business meetings and all types of functions .
17 A red glow pervades the body , the dorsal , caudal and anal fins have a very full shape , and together with the streamlined body contours this results in a very agile fish .
18 Other community groups and coalitions have sprung up from this study , and together with the original organisations which form the Appalachian Alliance , they have taken strength from each other , and from the movement as a whole .
19 But Mansell , who has clashed verbally and physically with the triple champion said : ‘ My boss Frank Williams has told me he ca n't stop people like Ayrton phoning him or coming to his room .
20 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Ivybridge between 1 April 1988 and 30 April 1990 whilst Treasurer of an organisation failed to deal properly and promptly with the financial affairs of the organisation for which he was responsible by virtue of the said office and in that he on or about 9 February 1990 improperly drew a cheque on the account of an organisation to settle a liability not incurred by them was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £350 by way of costs .
21 The Office remarks that " he desired rather to be imbued more fully and deeply with the theological doctrines of Holy Scripture than with the study of physical and secular science " which looks as if he left after the trivium .
22 But we are not simply judges or police officials , we are also human beings , and as human beings we sympathize deeply and sincerely with the terrible situation in which the Miletti family find themselves , and wish to do everything possible to bring it to a swift and satisfactory conclusion .
23 You have to look at the way in which children learn , and the principle vehicle through which children learn is associated with visual symbols , and later with the written word .
24 This very brief motion I 've discussed with the convenor who will accept it and also with the general secretary of worl of the board of the world mission who was ready also to co-operate with it .
25 The White Paper is hugely unpopular with the vast majority of people and also with the vast majority of health service workers .
26 It is probably these potential economies of scale that are involved with elements of vertical integration in particular , and also with the increasing range of types of holidays being offered by firms as discussed below .
27 It originated early in this century by crossing Simmentals with the fawn or red dairy-type Fémeline of the Sâone valley ( its name reflects its more refined , ‘ feminine ’ appearance in contrast to the bullish Tourache ) and also with the yellow Bressane of Ain .
28 Any proposed change of course should be discussed with your Studies Adviser and also with the Senior Course Tutor of the course to which you intend to apply .
29 Today their name is still associated with that latter castle , which the family owns , and also with the Borromean islands , Isola Bella and Isola Madre , that stand in the lake off Stresa .
30 However , very often the link with the original ‘ live ’ metaphor , and hence with the literal meanings of the parts , is not wholly lost .
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