Example sentences of "and [adv] [to-vb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The trick was to portray one 's chief opponent as sectional , driven by class envy , and a danger to social and economic stability , and thereby to provoke a defensive coalition against him .
2 One way to do this is for each group to aim to divide into two groups and eventually to form a new church in the area where they meet .
3 If it is accepted , as I argue , that a judge , when sitting in his court , is frequently required to make decisions which involve an assessment of where the public interest lies and so to make a political decision , then he can not be said to act neutrally , although he may still be the person best suited to make that particular decision .
4 It may be hard to tell " large " from " small " , or to bring classical and quantum objects into consistent association , but it seems far less perplexing to find a difference between the mental and the physical and so to attribute a special property to the interface of consciousness at which they meet each other .
5 All of these appointments could be used to help friends and thus to sustain a political interest .
6 The intrusive authorial voice itself is often used to point to the formal conventions of the novel , and thus to prevent a naive confusion of literature with life .
7 An article by Baker in the winter 1991 issue of the quarterly journal Foreign Affairs had proposed a " two-plus-four " formula for talks between North and South Korea , and the USA , the Soviet Union , China and Japan to discuss the situation on the Korean peninsula and possibly to guarantee a negotiated solution .
8 In the not-too-distant past the attitude of physicians was very much to avoid even the suggestion of hypoglycaemic reactions at any time , and always to keep a little glucose in the urine , especially at bedtime .
9 As jobs become even more complicated we have to look harder and harder to find a suitable person to fill them .
10 From the 1860s the companies increasingly used standardized designs for their country stations , partly for economy and partly to promote a corporate image after a series of company amalgamations which had produced the great conglomerates which were to dominate the railway scene until the 1923 grouping .
11 On policy Antall stated : " The European Community is our most important target and we want to concentrate all our means to join as an associate member as soon as possible , and later to become a full member . "
12 His close friendship with Beatrix Potter [ q.v. ] encouraged her to publish her earliest books and later to become a generous donor of land to the National Trust .
13 Get people along get the information networked and also to maintain a political presence amongst the people who are writing to or potentially to vote for us .
14 ‘ We have achieved our two objectives — to encourage young chefs to look out for and use British ingredients in their recipes , and also to find a delicious selection of dishes to use in the British menu promotion later this year . ’
15 Nkrumah announced another referendum to enable him to dismiss the judges and also to establish a one-party state .
16 Apply it to one surface then press together quickly and accurately to make a good contact .
17 He published a book of verse and some contributions to learned journals , but his efforts to obtain financial compensation , to publish an illustrated magnum opus about his Afghan years , to return to Afghanistan , and even to complete a half-finished novel all came to nothing .
18 Gather the mixture together , then divide into two and lightly rock each ball of dough backwards and forwards to make a smooth surface but do not knead it .
19 They were then made a sign in the store , and if the job came up again , all you did was to go down the store , and it was a one-off exercise , instead of travelling back and forwards to get a particular tool , erm er that was all eliminated .
20 In parliament , Lennox-Boyd restated his position on 11 May 1956 : ‘ If a general election is held Her Majesty 's Government will be ready to accept a motion calling for independence within the Commonwealth passed by a reasonable majority in a newly elected legislature and then to declare a firm date for this purpose . ’
21 It is little use allowing conditions to deteriorate for three months and then to conduct a total clean-out of the filter and a 100% water change .
22 It is all too easy for a department to obtain research money ( for example , from the pharmaceutical industry ) and then to employ a young doctor to perform substandard research .
23 The key is to understand the system of procurement being used , the responsibilities of those involved and the agreed apportionment of risks , and then to find a standard form which matches those requirements .
24 Too many students imagine that all they need do is to note down and read over the contents of lectures , and then to have a quick revision before the examination .
25 The plan was for Michael and the children , Kate and Ben , slightly assisted by me , to lay the nets off a point ( at right angles to the shore ) and then to fish a nearby bay with baits — or in my case lures .
26 The first is to anticipate the claim and then to keep a detailed record of events and information which will be useful when reaching a decision .
27 By a notice of appeal dated 20 July 1992 the Official Solicitor appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that since the judge had found as facts that ( a ) T. had been able properly and fully to form a balanced judgment and had not been acting under undue influence but had been acting voluntarily , and ( b ) her several expressions withholding consent were valid refusals which bound the hospital , ( 1 ) he had erred in finding himself entitled to make the declaration ; ( 2 ) it had been wrong for him to assess T. 's subsequent intentions and to make assumptions as to whether she would have qualified or changed her refusal in the later circumstances ; and ( 3 ) he had erred in finding that ( a ) there was no evidence that T. had wished to refuse a blood transfusion even though it was at risk to her life , ( b ) lack of understanding of the risks involved justified acting against her expressed refusal , ( c ) her withholding of consent did not embrace the emergency which had arisen and took no account of changed circumstances , ( d ) her expressed refusals did not evince a settled intention to persist in her refusal even if injurious to her health when her best interests required a transfusion ; and ( e ) he was not satisfied that her refusal was continuing .
28 On Sept. 23 , 1989 , Menem urged the two factions to abandon their plans to hold separate congresses and elect parallel leaderships , and instead to convene a single congress for October .
29 In other cases he remains cut off , although he may then recover well enough physically and mentally to start a new life , perhaps even setting up home with someone else and taking on a new job .
30 It should be possible to predict the number of students likely to achieve Compact goals , and therefore to have a clear number of jobs to aim for .
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