Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] with a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( viii ) Dry the pups with tissues and gently stimulate with a tissue or surgical swab until they are pink and breathing regularly .
2 Many realise that the young and their families are caught up in and often complicit with a web of interacting forces which hold communities in their grip .
3 They can be referred to as bills , drafts or acceptances and often come with a label — bank bills , bank drafts , time drafts , bankers acceptances are some examples .
4 ( d ) Continue to fill the basket with soil/compost to within an inch or so of the top , and then cover with a layer of pea shingle .
5 Some individuals , even when living in normal society , do not remain in synchrony with the 24-hour day and instead free-run with a period of about 25 hours .
6 That is , racist , ethnocentric and nationalist ideas , which attempt to create strict symbolic and institutional barriers between collectivities , have also to coexist and continually articulate with a variety of discourses and practices around meritocracy , equal opportunities and citizenship rights .
7 If you want to use egg white , which is definitely the superior method , then separate an egg , pour the egg white into a cup and lightly beat with a fork until it resembles a thin sauce .
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