Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We are also seeing the idea that you can mix geriatric , psychogeriatric and young chronic sick people in the one unit and successfully cater for the needs of all 3 groups .
2 CBP100 may correspond to ICR and thereby function as a repressor of the cAMP response in UF9 cells .
3 Firstly , it seems highly likely that even apparent disparities in the way offenders are treated will fuel resentment and thereby contribute to the feelings of injustice which lie at the heart of the penal system 's crisis of legitimacy .
4 Some jellyfish beat the edges of the bell rhythmically and thereby rise in the water to remain near the surface .
5 However , orange juices are regarded as " foodstuffs " by the EC , and thereby fall outside the terms of the directive .
6 If he did have designs on her , and a plan to marry Mr Eddie Hogan 's daughter and thereby marry into the business , then why was he saying all the things that would irritate and upset her ?
7 There would be no buildings or other structures on the breakwater extension which would raise its height significantly above the existing breakwaters and thereby interfere with the radar station .
8 Using committees internally to overcome restrictions on information and thereby arrive at a decision .
9 If a European Union of this kind were ever to be formed , it would either introduce new tensions and resentment when countries found their policies increasingly dependent on the most powerful country , and thereby lead to the break-up of the Community ; or , if it did somehow succeed , the future union would in effect be a greater Germany , balancing uneasily between East and West , inheriting and perhaps magnifying the complexes and instabilities of post-Bismarckian Germany .
10 Between the two the unquantified aspect is easier , you just have to push and push and eventually get to a kind of measurement .
11 The restoration process lasted for several years , extending to other parts of the station , and eventually cost in the region of £10m .
12 They then migrate into the lymphoid tissue and eventually return to the blood circulation .
13 The digits move along one step at a time and eventually arrive at the end of the chain whereupon they are fed along the line .
14 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
15 Disenfranchisement takes place in a second , procedural , sense , by virtue of the almost total absence of opportunities for ordinary people to take part in , and effectively contribute to the decision-making process at whatever level , in the outcome of which they feel they have an interest .
16 Not only do they seldom produce roots for anchorage or absorption of plant foods , but most develop turions , or winter buds , and effectively disappear during the autumn .
17 Prior to the 1980 Act it had been observed that the law had been ‘ heavily weighed in favour of the local education authorities and schools with parents having few rights ( although many duties ) and little say in the decision-making process ’ .
18 Put all ingredients into a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil .
19 Stir in yeast , make a well in the centre and slowly pour in the onion liquid and one teaspoon of the olive oil , stirring constantly to form a smooth dough .
20 The Authors jointly and severally warrant to the Publisher that the Company is entitled to the relevant services of the Authors and is therefore in as position to contract in this way with the Publisher , and that this will continue to be so throughout the period of the Publishing Agreement .
21 This again enabled the bourgeois classes to exert their strength and so benefit from the disillusionment with the costs of revolution ( Krygier 1979c ) .
22 And since the Budget revision of PEP rules , investors can now place their full £6,000 PEP contribution in a trust which has at least half the portfolio in UK and EC equities , and so benefit from the tax concessions .
23 A general fall in aggregate investment may lead to a rise in unemployment and so contribute to the phenomenon of ‘ stagflation ’ .
24 On now to Barry Humphries ' autobiography , More Please ( Penguin ) ; Carol ( second wife of Walter ) Matthau 's memoirs Among the Porcupines ( Orion ) ; Ranulph Fiennes ' search for the city of Ubar ( the Koranic version of Sodom and Gomorrah ) , Atlantis of the Sands ( Penguin ) : A N Wilson 's Jesus ( Flamingo ) , coming at the same time as Barbara Thiering 's Jesus the Man ( Corgi ) , as they also did in hardcover ; and Miranda Seymour 's much-praised life of Ottoline Morrell ( Sceptre ) , £25 in hardcover and so welcome as a £7 or £8 paperback .
25 They will not admit anything of this , and so suffer under the effects of the traumatic experience .
26 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
27 For Augustine , mystical experience operated in the gap between the Creator and creature , enabling man to recognise his own true nature and so come to a knowledge of God — a process possible only because of the Incarnation , the love poured out from the being of God to his creatures which revealed how He could be known .
28 After spending all night , like John , at the tiller , he was relieved to find that ‘ steering as the children in my story steered , we should indeed reach the Deurloo Channel , and so come to the mouth of Flushing harbour ’ .
29 The Marind of New Guinea believe that fire has its origins in sex , and so indulge in a rite whereby a girl has to be raped in order to keep that fire alight .
30 If he had been concerned to compile a mental list of likely candidates for involvement in conspiracy — any conspiracy — Rostov would have placed Grigoriev at or near its head , and so reference to the Adjudicator was not a surprise .
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