Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She would be hurting no one because , even if Rune had lied and was still involved in some emotional way with Lotta , the Swedish girl had already assumed they were lovers and obviously accepted them in that role without suffering undue pain .
2 The diocese had found him a housekeeper , a Miss Lambe , who was as small and anxious as a hamster , and who had taken a tiny , remote bedroom as her burrow , and already filled it with crocheted mats and pictures of the Royal Family .
3 and just stuck it in little boxes , like little boxes and
4 I was dead happy there and then , all of a sudden , they came one day and just moved me to another home .
5 She liked him and deeply respected him for that .
6 Hamilton picked up a pencil , and deliberately snapped it in two .
7 And er put that on and tied them back and front and up on them tied them to the sides of the coble and and usually towed it with another rowing boat .
8 The tug refloated the vessel , towed her to a sheltered anchorage where she was made fit for the tow to Hong Kong , and thereafter towed her for four days to docks in Hong Kong .
9 It then grabbed the food and quickly ate it before any of the others could steal it .
10 This lay demand for teaching about contemplative spirituality together with the particular emphases of individual mystics who met and also stimulated it in fourteenth-century England , both represents , and engages with , a complex web of theological and socio-historical developments .
11 The five-member tribunal sentenced each of them to life imprisonment with hard labour , and also stripped them of all property , civil rights and military rank .
12 Defenders of the evacuees pointed out that the exercise had taken place at the end of a particularly hot summer , in which head lice would have thrived , that parents had not been properly informed of how long their children would be evacuated for ( and hence despatched them in one day 's clothing ) , or that the first day of evacuation ( 1 September ) was a Friday — the day on which working-class financial resources would have been at their lowest , preventing parents buying extra garments for their children .
13 When , a year later , with paintings such as Man with Violin , Braque 's Cubism reached a second climax of complexity and became also highly difficult to read or interpret , one senses that it was not owing to the excitement of working with a new , more abstract technique as it had been with Picasso , but because his interest in elaborately breaking up the picture surface so as to analyse the relationships between the objects and the space surrounding them , slowly and inevitably led him to this kind of painting .
14 ‘ … and fairly lambasted him about young officers being allowed to make mistakes , learn from experience , and not be penalised etc etc . ’
15 He became quite well known for his extreme left-wing views and often aired them on rare visits home .
16 Leavis did to Blackadder what he did to serious students ; he showed him the terrible , the magnificent importance and urgency of English literature and simultaneously deprived him of any confidence in his own capacity to contribute to , or change it .
17 The British secret service came up with a a stroke of some genius when the stopped having our operatives shot when they caught them and simply turned them into double agents . ’
18 On 2 October 1991 Jordanian security forces arrested Muhammad al-Fasi , a Saudi Arabian businessman , and reportedly handed him to Saudi Arabian authorities at the al-Haditha crossing point on the Saudi/Jordanian frontier .
19 Alf 's grand-daughter , Ann Parker , still lives in Darlington and kindly helped us with these illustrations from her collection of footballing photographs , medals and newspaper cuttings .
20 He began early , in Bangkok and then Dubai , had a week 's work-out with David Leadbetter in Orlando and then followed it with four straight tournaments coming into the Masters .
21 Yorkshireman George Duffield , whose previous St Leger ride was on a pacemaker 12 years ago , said : ‘ She just quickened up alongside them , and then left them for dead . ’
22 They seem to have curled their arms up from the mouth as five ribs and then connected them by more plates to form a sphere .
23 They sprayed the subjects with cold water when they were undoubtedly in REM sleep , and then woke them after varying intervals of a few minutes .
24 Men are portrayed as being powerless : CB LOLITA , 13 , HAD SEX ON THE SLIDE ( ‘ A girl of 13 had sex on a kiddies ' playground slide with a young man she contacted over CB radio , a court heard yesterday ’ ) ; Bedtime antics of a ‘ latter-day Lolita ’ ( ‘ A 13-year-old girl … described as a ‘ latter-day Lolita ’ went to bed with one man … and then swapped him for another in the same room ’ ) ; Girl , 15 , tempted her mother 's man ( ‘ She had made propositions to him three times which he resisted before succumbing ’ ) ; Sex-case man goes to jail ( Defence counsel claimed ‘ the initiative in the sexual relationship came from the girl ’ ) ; CABBlE 'S TEEN SEX SESSIONS ( ‘ Taxi driver … found the cheeky advances of a teenage Lolita hard to resist ’ ) ; CHOIRMASTER AND GIRL , 15 ( ‘ I was tempted and that 's all ’ ) ; Girl gave rapist sex lesson ( ‘ A 14-year-old girl put out a challenge to a convicted rapist … .
25 Instead he waited until stragglers ventured outside the walls and then picked them off one by one , capturing the Dwarfs alive if possible and tormenting them for days within earshot of the citadel walls .
26 If all Preston 's childhood friends had lined up against a wall , as when they were waiting to be picked for football , Preston would most likely have left William to pretty near the end and then put him at left back , or somewhere he would do the least damage to his own side .
27 Wadkins got away with not the best of drives at the 18th but he had a gap , hit a five-iron to 45ft and then holed it across all sorts of slopes and burrows .
28 I chose my favourite poem in the book and wrote one verse on the accompanying card , and then decorated it with pressed flowers to match the bookmark .
29 Streat congratulated MacArthur on his ‘ momentous ’ achievements and then warned him against encouraging Japanese competition to the point where strong antagonism was aroused in western and eastern countries .
30 I loathe the plots hatched by the Spanish government to slip ‘ Guernica ’ surreptitiously into Spain with the promise that it would be put on show at the whorehouse they call the Prado and then moved it to that pigsty , the Reina Sofia .
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