Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Hun Sen initially refused to attend unless Sihanouk did , and only relented at the last moment .
2 Meanwhile the patient , who has not been named , was making a rapid recovery and yesterday walked for the first time since the operation .
3 Such ‘ consort songs ’ began to proliferate during the second half of the century and still flourished during the first decade of the next ; the viol parts soon became more animated as in the masterly hands of William Byrd whose Psalmes , Sonets , and songs of sadnes and pietie ( 1588 ) were ‘ originally made for Instruments to expresse the harmonie , and one voyce to pronounce the dittie [ text ] ’ , though he now published them ‘ framed in all parts for voyces to sing the same ’ .
4 Mr R. Melbourne of Loughborough wins our first £25 award by asking you for a list of those clubs who have won the old First Division title and also played in the Fourth Division .
5 She performed with fellow West Londoners the Mighty Ethnicz on the recent Ice T tour and also appeared on the last Mantronix video .
6 We unpacked our bags , and then relaxed until the next morning .
7 Annie rang the top bell and then went to the third floor , Susan 's flat .
8 She ran along the side of the house , round the back of a stone-stilted granary and down behind the dovecot , and then darted across the last few yards to the wall .
9 These are usually concealed and then flashed at the last moment , giving the prospective predator the impression that it is approaching a much larger animal and one that is staring straight at it in a defiant manner .
10 Mrs Singh asked ‘ Do you have the same holiday ? ’ and then spoke for the first time about Balbinder .
11 The broad measure , M3 , grew by only 1% in the 12 months to December , and actually fell for the last three months of 1990 .
12 Our Dean drew the ice-free peg and never caught for the first hour , as I predicted .
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