Example sentences of "and [adv] [pers pn] just [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I had n't really sorted anything out socially or whatever and so I just got back into it .
2 It was totally outside my experience and so I just stood there and walked out .
3 sort it out and I walked off and like I just walked away and Achil and thingy were laughing at , you know , cos not at me at how crap
4 ‘ We have discussed our marriage many times over the last four or five years and then we just sat down and put everything into perspective .
5 until she got onto that crossbar and then she just flew straight back and did exactly the same thing all over again and I just thought sod it !
6 ‘ Thom called to say he 'd be a day late , and then he just hung up . ’
7 It was n't a very full list cos erm er it did n't occur to me until about seven o'clock this evening that I had to go out quite soon and then I just ran around frantically doing things .
8 We wrote these extraordinary shows , and then I just put on a dinner-jacket , started singing and gave them up . ’
9 Well he supposed to give up smoking , it had caused clotting in one of his legs and then it just whipped over to the other one , he 's had to have it cut off
10 No windows no doors no nothing er you know , completely gutted it to make it all , to renovate it and then ran out of money and then it just stood there completely empty .
11 And then it just ended up that all lesson they were passing notes and I was walking past dropping notes in his bag and stuff like that .
12 We made the cut , but he was so bad-tempered he would n't speak to me , and sometimes I just did n't know what to do for the best .
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