Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Four Dutch companies were identified as a representative sample of Dutch industry ( and most comparable with the U.K. and German samples ) .
2 The manhood of England has been largely alienated from the organised Churches because we have been so absorbed by the interests of the individual soul as to neglect the woes of society , and so preoccupied with the delights of heaven as to overlook some of the most urgent duties of earth .
3 The cost of these changes are prices roughly £400 less than the five-door versions and highly competitive with the opposition .
4 His thoughts receded , he was now approaching the breech of the hill , the path became flatter and less weary with the crest almost upon him .
5 Now we have here in the studio tonight four people who are vitally and personally concerned with the problems of living in a multiracial community .
6 Sausage skin is made from collagen and is an ideal material for the repair of tears as it is a natural substance and thus compatible with the parchment .
7 The Gang Of Four never really regained the heights of that first album , troubled by the inherent contradictions of their own position , sapped by the loss of Allen and Burnham on bass and drums and unhealthily obsessed with the heart of the great beast itself , the USA .
8 The Gang Of Four never really regained the heights of that first album , troubled by the inherent contradictions of their own position , sapped by the loss of Allen and Burnham on bass and drums and unhealthily obsessed with the heart of the great beast itself , the USA .
9 It is even suggested that in the United States the routine exposure of the population to radionuclide release from coal burning in that country could be significant and possibly comparable with the effects from nuclear power ( Wilson et al. , 1980 ) .
10 And so I got more and more involved with the electronics thing , and stopped playing in groups completely in 1980 , having started work in the design section of various electronics companies like Pignose , Oberheim and BC Rich , who I 'd actually started with in ‘ 77 , then Fender during ‘ 81 and ‘ 82 . ’
11 As the conflict with the king developed , he became more and more involved with the opposition .
12 Theodora pressed on , ‘ What the vicar 's warden also told me was that Paul had become more and more involved with the Youth Club and , in particular , with Jefferson , who had worked with him at Narborough .
13 Lenin became more and more preoccupied with the question of national liberation , and in a tireless stream of speeches , letters , articles and pamphlets , sought to clarify the right approach to the nationalism of Russia 's minorities .
14 Henceforth , the Labour party ( or some parts of it ) would be less concerned with nationalization and more preoccupied with the reshaping of society and the improvement of the quality of life .
15 The evolution of integrated circuit technology has been such that you 've been progressively able to put more and more transistors down on a single integrated circuit , and so a microprocessor has got more and more powerful with the passage of time .
16 It was strange to see them grown older , and more familiar with the Corporal , whom they 'd always feared , than me , their old mentor .
17 It means that the communication might be less opportunistic and more frequent with the targets selective rather than whomever happens to be in the group .
18 Support for these changes grew as many active members became more and more dissatisfied with the performance of the Labour Government between 1974 and 1979 .
19 As a broad generalisation I 'd say Luba Edlina is darker and more probing with the music , making it sound more serious and perhaps less mercurial than usual .
20 So things are getting more and more fraught with the folks back home who are determined to have him married .
21 Our surveys show employees are more and more satisfied with the communications they receive from their companies and they believe they understand more now about what is going on around them .
22 Where interaction is high people tend to be more open , and more comfortable with the pursuit of the task .
23 This compares with the analysis done by the business units which tends to be more detailed , operational and more concerned with the competitor 's performance in individual markets .
24 Early in the summer of 1946 Hellen had been transferred to Toronto and I was becoming more and more disenchanted with the CBC .
25 Well ’ — he choked now with laughter — ‘ I would go in among those pigs and they would all start scratching a hole and there I would be standing on a clapboard looking down and nearly sick with the smell .
26 Yet the estimates of the incidence of lone-parent families as used in various formulae for the 1985/6 GRE assessment are mutually inconsistent and also inconsistent with the estimates used in 1983/4 .
27 She was convinced of her own artistic genius and perpetually dissatisfied with the quality of recognition she received .
28 If the Government are confident that quality will not be affected by the financial pressures that they are imposing on higher education to cut the inward resource year after year , the answer is to ensure that the inspectorate for higher education is wholly independent of the funding system and solely concerned with the issue of quality .
29 ‘ Make up your minds ’ , the pope urged ; ‘ either celebrate it in the full-blooded manner of your pagan ancestors ’ , or acknowledge that ‘ it is superstitious and vain , and manifestly incompatible with the profession of Christianity ’ .
30 In a second condition it was an unlikely completion of the sentence , while remaining both syntactically and semantically consistent with the context .
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