Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The psychologist Jung believed that there is a common unconscious in which we are all included and so able to influence the psychic dimension in some degree .
2 Script becomes untidy , can often become illegible , and only comprehensible given the surrounding context , and even then still occasionally impossible to interpret .
3 The ban , initiated by the State Department and announced on 11 March by the Immigration and Naturalisation Service , is expected to affect fewer than 500 of the approximately 3000 Libyan students at American universities , and only those studying the proscribed subjects .
4 It becomes less and less feasible to equate the relative contraction of the industrial proletariat with the relative expansion of the ‘ middle class ’ .
5 As the value of the dinar sinks , the interest paid by the final borrowers in dinars becomes less and less adequate to pay the foreign exchange interest .
6 Before the Brownings left Florence she had enquired of Mr Browning how things stood and had been told very ill , but that this must be kept from his wife until she was in the warm south and better able to stand the inevitable end of it all .
7 You could also bring up the point that learning how to study any subject successfully makes you quicker at learning new skills and better able to handle the unfamiliar skills you will have to learn as part of the job .
8 It is the drastic reduction in kinship links , and especially those supporting the elderly , consequent upon the fall in fertility brought about by the one-child policy , which makes the project significant to the ageing process in the world 's oldest political society .
9 Such however is the mighty Providence that guides us , we were adverted in due time withal and haply able to forestall the deadly peril to our settlement , that is still but a mewling infant scarce able to totter on bandy legs .
10 The capital charges typically incurred by the Boards on new domestic connections were as much as £1 per quarter , while many consumers ( especially new ones ) paid little more than this ( and thus insufficient to cover the additional costs of supplying current ) in the early years .
11 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
12 Black and Tan outrages had drawn only lame excuses , even denials , from the Government , and it was becoming more and more difficult to contradict the widespread assertion — by the local newspapers , by the man in the street , even by the RIC themselves — that the whole purpose of the Black and Tans was to crush Sinn Fein and the Irish Republican Army and cow the population .
13 ‘ Instead of employing these appalling tactics with these families , it would be statesmanlike and more courageous to press the United Nations to lift its economic boycott of Vietnam now that Vietnamese forces have left Cambodia , ’ he said .
14 No one ( thank God ! ) says sex must stop and comparatively few favour the wilder flights of permissive fantasy .
15 He was already master mason to the cathedral and about 1310 undertook the new work of the presbytery , at the joint cost of the bishop and priory .
16 Few runners in each contest go to post fully prepared and even fewer have the in-born talent to win .
17 It was hard to think while he was watching her like that , and even harder to follow the sudden switch in the conversation .
18 Even when the Oriental carp began to be farmed for the table , and then selectively-bred to develop the various colour strains , the basic shape stayed the same .
19 And sometimes this fits the ethnographic facts in a quite straight-forward way .
20 The blueprints we draw up about the environment we inhabit and our place in it are sketched in outline when we are very young and least able to see the whole picture .
21 Despite these remarks , it will be preferable to use a more compact notation , so , provided that it is understood that single nouns cover an intensional structure like that above ( and this will matter in later chapters ) we shall feel free to show them as simple occurrences of E , thus retaining as our notation for the pattern of any of the following : ( 14 ) green bottles hungry marchers chocolate cake 1.5 It is inappropriate and indeed impossible to characterize the semantic , and purely linguistic , value of qualification in extensional or referential terms .
22 In this context , it is both welcome and yet depressing to see the major essay , ‘ object into Subject ’ , by American writer Michelle Cliff , republished again here .
23 ( The corresponding figures for adult females were 2 per cent and 7 per cent and again 1974 marked the low point in the proportionate use of imprisonment . )
24 Once again in exotic lands , Primotif is a collection of motifs and artwork from tribal cultures around the world ; strong , simple , dramatic and very much echoing the current preoccupation with all things ethnic .
25 UK deregulation meant that the smaller , traditional banks suddenly had to compete on a global scale , and very few had the financial power necessary .
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