Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The binary policy , which is central to the history of higher education from its elaboration in the second half of the 1960s , and intimately related to the history of the CNAA 's own policies and operations , is explained by many or all of these factors , but can not be separated from perceptions of the roles and attitudes of the universities that we have previously discussed , and which were part of the decision-making environment of the mid- and late 1960s .
2 Most of the teachers lingered a few minutes in the staff room , not from any affection for the place , but to allow the unruly mob of boys to get down the long road that led to Cullbridge , and thence to disperse to the bus station , to Wimpy bars , the library or their various homes .
3 This pump-leak system allows K + ions to recycle across the basolateral membrane , promotes hyperpolarisation of the parietal cell , and thereby contributes to the maintenance of the electrochemical gradient that favours Cl - exit at the apical membrane during acid secretion .
4 If a European Union of this kind were ever to be formed , it would either introduce new tensions and resentment when countries found their policies increasingly dependent on the most powerful country , and thereby lead to the break-up of the Community ; or , if it did somehow succeed , the future union would in effect be a greater Germany , balancing uneasily between East and West , inheriting and perhaps magnifying the complexes and instabilities of post-Bismarckian Germany .
5 An example is William McDougal 's correspondence with Friendly Societies which revealed their discrimination against deaf people , and eventually led to the acceptance of the deaf and dumb on equal terms with hearing people by the Church Benefit Society .
6 They then migrate into the lymphoid tissue and eventually return to the blood circulation .
7 On the 5th post-operative day Mr Reynolds became very distressed and eventually admitted to the nurse who was caring for him that his " water works " were the source of his concern .
8 Disenfranchisement takes place in a second , procedural , sense , by virtue of the almost total absence of opportunities for ordinary people to take part in , and effectively contribute to the decision-making process at whatever level , in the outcome of which they feel they have an interest .
9 He stood there slightly bent for a few seconds holding his stomach and then he staggered and slowly fell to the floor .
10 Put all ingredients into a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil .
11 However , most boards tended to extract material when it suited them and rarely adhered to the time-scale or suggestions for different kinds of activity .
12 The Authors jointly and severally warrant to the Publisher that the Company is entitled to the relevant services of the Authors and is therefore in as position to contract in this way with the Publisher , and that this will continue to be so throughout the period of the Publishing Agreement .
13 A general fall in aggregate investment may lead to a rise in unemployment and so contribute to the phenomenon of ‘ stagflation ’ .
14 After spending all night , like John , at the tiller , he was relieved to find that ‘ steering as the children in my story steered , we should indeed reach the Deurloo Channel , and so come to the mouth of Flushing harbour ’ .
15 But , as we have seen , regarding authentic Producers ' Co-operation as ‘ the rival doctrine ’ the Consumers ' Movement did little then to help , and so contributed to the inertia against which the industrial co-operative form has had to contend .
16 Many of the new firms that started were under-capitalised and so went to the wall , but the net number has increased by many hundreds of thousands since 1979 .
17 If he had been concerned to compile a mental list of likely candidates for involvement in conspiracy — any conspiracy — Rostov would have placed Grigoriev at or near its head , and so reference to the Adjudicator was not a surprise .
18 Its practical bearing follows from these aims ; for by constructing concepts , forms of argument and criteria of evidence which attain some degree of objectivity and universality , political sociology , to the extent that it is diffused through society , has an effect on ideologies and on political consciousness generally , and so contributes to the shaping of political action .
19 This in itself caused her to feel guilty and so added to the distress she already suffered .
20 Younger was in a very exposed position , for he was Chairman of the National Union Executive responsible for carrying out its decisions , as well as Party Chairman and so committed to the leader and the coalition .
21 However , there were a few outliers with values of over 0.4% , and so marking to the market occasionally had an important effect on arbitrage profits .
22 He argued that the system was bound to collapse , either because a liquidity shortage would ensue if the supply of dollars failed to keep pace with the growing world demand , or because the persistent balance of payments deficits of the USA ( which provided dollars to the world ) would reduce confidence in the dollar and so lead to the conversion of official dollar balances into gold .
23 Others have set up one-year and two-year training courses in church planting , encouraging those being trained to pay for the privilege and so contributing to the financing of church planting , as well as providing workers in training .
24 Although many go unrecognized , stray finds are more commonly discovered than sites , and every one is potentially important , adding to archaeological evidence , and perhaps leading to the discovery of a new site .
25 Shortly after the sack , Stamford was granted its great Charter of Incorporation by the newly acclaimed Yorkist king Edward IV , which gave it considerable rewards for its loyalty ( an earlier charter of 972 , which was a post-conquest forgery , and only referred to the mint at Stamford , was still celebrated in 1972 ) .
26 It was a faculty common to all good sailors , the essential extra that enabled them to meet the seas whatever the conditions so that their craft ran straight rather than in the long zig-zags of the helmsman imprisoned by the compass and only reacting to the swing of its needle .
27 Opals were totally unknown to the early civilizations of the Old World and only came to the knowledge of the Mediterranean peoples as an outcome of Roman military expansion into the Balkans .
28 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
29 At a council meeting of his barons one day he sat apart , chewing a hazel twig and apparently lost to the world .
30 After giving instructions about his place of burial , he required them to go to his study and take out three great hampers of books and burn them , ‘ Inasmuch as all the comedies , tragedies , pastorals , etc. , heroical poems , love hymns and the like are full of idolatry and especially tend to the overthrow of the Christian religion . ’
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