Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] her [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Dorinda only knows herself by the mirror : it has literally and figuratively provided her with a self-image .
2 His arms he folded round her , and so held her for a moment passive ; then with a sudden sharp sigh she embraced him again , quivering , and lifted her mouth to him ravenously .
3 He looked so tall and reliable and gentle and wise , and always greeted her in a kindly way with a little bow and a murmur .
4 The small Year Niner , who did not even realise that there were taps in room 19 , never mind streams , is a little interested by this offer but explains that her Mum never lets her drink the water at school and always provides her with a carton of fruit juice which keeps her going through the day .
5 He had noticed Ianthe coming out of her house and now saw her as a woman of about his own age , nicely dressed , worthy no doubt , quite pretty but not particularly interesting .
6 He gave a non-committal shrug , and sipped his drink , ordering steak stuffed with crayfish , and then regarding her with a slightly disconcerting intensity across the candlelit table .
7 Eventually he released her with what appeared to be reluctance , which was strange , she thought , because she would have expected a man with his inhibitions about women to have just brushed her mouth briefly and then dropped her like a glowing ember .
8 She describes how a porpoise appeared and guided her so that she was being carried with the tide , and then helped her to a section of shallow water .
9 But he was incapable of saying more , and instead seized her in a bearlike hug , heedless of her cry that he was squashing her .
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