Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I managed to track her down and eventually got her on the telephone .
2 She took a couple of tentative steps but he reached out and swiftly held her by the shoulders .
3 One was strange , because it was about an old lady who meant nothing to me at all ; I hardly knew her and only saw her on the rare occasions when I went into her family shop two or three hundred yards from us .
4 ‘ Just cruising down the street , see one you fancy and literally pick her off the sidewalk — wallop , in the back of the truck . ’
5 He threw off the blanket , picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire .
6 Yeah well you go round with him and just tell her through the letter box , do n't say anything .
7 Blunt hesitated , waiting for a pause , and finally tapped her on the arm .
8 I flew her three times straight off , and then returned her to the aviary .
9 They make as if they 're gon na break into the room , and one of these guys is enjoying himself saying how he 's decided to rape her and then hand her to the dog .
10 John Ryan MP claimed to have seen a policeman remove a woman 's glasses and then strike her on the head ; she had appeared , to him , to be over sixty years of age and a bystander .
11 Feargal bought her ticket , made sure she understood the map of which part of the mountain was hers to search , and then pointed her in the right direction .
12 Assuming that she is asymptomatic , she either depends on the male who infected her to inform her of the diagnosis or , if he does not , wait for the next person with whom she has intercourse to develop symptoms , discover the diagnosis , and then contact her with the bad news .
13 We 'll get rid of the pain with some drugs , and then transfer her to the burns unit at Cambridge .
14 He was out of the car and round to her side , opening the door , almost dragging her from the seat and then propelling her up the path .
15 They went into the bathroom together ; he adjusted the taps and then pulled her under the steaming water with him .
16 But she could still recall , quite vividly , how it had been when she and Tom had married , just as soon as he had been able to dispense with his crutches : their brief but ecstatic honeymoon , the way he had so gently and expertly initiated her into the pleasures of sex and how , in spite of all his subsequent straying , she had remained faithful , forgiving and in love with him , in her own way , right to the end .
17 We both do , ’ and almost dragged her into the restaurant 's bar .
18 ‘ What 's the sudden hurry ? ’ he growled , coming up beside her and again grasping her by the elbow .
19 Then , after a whispered word with one of the cousins , Angel and he galloped up on either side of her and neatly lifted her off the little black mare .
20 ‘ We 'll go into North Inlet and quietly put her on the beach there . ’
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