Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] with a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Uncharacteristically , he decided to gallop about , and freakishly collided with a shed , badly injuring his hock .
2 I was intrigued by this and so he went to the store room and eventually returned with a pile of prints .
3 Somewhat more accessible could have been an object such as the bronze strigil found in the Caerleon Fortress Baths , including six of the Labours and presumably paired with a companion to complete the Dodekathlos .
4 Attention was first drawn to them in 1988 when a 17-year-old resident complained she had been held in continuous confinement for seven weeks and forcibly injected with a sedative .
5 ( viii ) Dry the pups with tissues and gently stimulate with a tissue or surgical swab until they are pink and breathing regularly .
6 attendance allowances for members , I would move that er , a scheme be commenced from the first of April ninety-four , and that the wording attached to the paper , be altered in two respects , in place of the phrase is a person over sixty-nine years of age , the words is an elderly person , and more significantly at the end of paragraph four , and normally lives with a member as part of the member 's family and be able to be left at th , be unable to be left unsupervised , be added , And that er , power to delegate a director of financial to amend the rates of allowances from time to time rates of attendance allowance for members , and that the scheme be met from the overall member 's allowance to which we recently referring .
7 With a coquettish smile she disappeared , and soon returned with a tray bearing a bottle and several glasses .
8 Not until after he was weaned was Joni reclaimed by his maternal grandmother , put in the care of an aunt , and finally placed with a family friend of very limited means .
9 It 's then covered in a generous layer of almond marzipan and finally topped with a layer of melt-in-the-mouth soft-eating Regal ice .
10 By nature fastidious , he worked towards his oils through a series of careful studies and always painted with a piece of blackout material hung behind his easel .
11 He has a meaty agenda , but it is also messy , bitty , hard to legislate and harder to encapsulate with a flourish .
12 After acclamations before the Lateran Palace , like those that had already taken place in front of St Peter 's , the new pope went up to the principal part of the palace , called the Leonine presbyterium , and later celebrated with a banquet .
13 We also made links with the region of in Poland to develop tourist strategy and also links with a number of cities who were very interested in citizens ' participation and are going local initiative .
14 A good pile is made of the birch twigs ; then , when all is ready , the handful of needle-thins is taken from the pocket ( where they have left much of their moisture ) , put into the fire centre , and carefully lit with a match .
15 Public service broadcasting ought to provide a ‘ daily service that is continuously and throughout infused with a sense of its public function ’ .
16 all that trouble with her knee and now walks with a mind you she goes to ten thirty more than
17 Many of our modern reefs may be interglacial reefs , karstified during low glacial sea levels and now veneered with a capping of modern coral .
18 Many realise that the young and their families are caught up in and often complicit with a web of interacting forces which hold communities in their grip .
19 They can be referred to as bills , drafts or acceptances and often come with a label — bank bills , bank drafts , time drafts , bankers acceptances are some examples .
20 In Rio de Janeiro , dead street children have been found trussed in barbed wire , with their eyes gouged out , and even decapitated with a chainsaw .
21 A mould is made round it in detachable pieces , and in these a wax casting-mould is moulded or cast and then filled with a core ; and the bronze is cast from this as in the direct method .
22 In his experiments , subjects were presented with an informative sentence on a screen for 4 seconds , and then presented with a question about the content of the sentences .
23 ( d ) Continue to fill the basket with soil/compost to within an inch or so of the top , and then cover with a layer of pea shingle .
24 Legal requirements to become an adopter are minimal ( Table 1 ) , but to be accepted by an adoption agency as an adopter and then placed with a child or baby requires an often lengthy and rigorous process of assessment and approval ( Figure 1 ) .
25 The poles slid glistening in and out of the water as the craft approached and then beached with a bump .
26 These ends were cleaned up with a spokeshave and then scraped with a twist of the wrist .
27 Soap was unheard of at the time so to get clean the hot , sweaty skin was rubbed with oil and then scraped with a strigil — a scraper made of wood or bronze .
28 Traditionally practitioners have considered infant behaviour problems to be symptomatic of underlying disorder — that the problem exists inside the child and must be diagnosed and then treated with a view to a cure .
29 They are rubbed with salt to dry cure them and then coated with a mixture of spices , including juniper , and molasses , which is mainly responsible for the black appearance of the ham .
30 Every movement within a form teaches him to defend by blocking or manoeuvring and then to attack with a strike or a kick .
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