Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Le Monde of Oct. 5 , 1989 , reported that Parliament had approved a law allowing the establishment of local private television stations and thereby bringing to an end the state broadcasting monopoly .
2 Between the two the unquantified aspect is easier , you just have to push and push and eventually get to a kind of measurement .
3 That magnificent engineering achievement the Humber Bridge is further opening up the area , improving communications and eventually leading to an East Coast motorway , linking up with newly completed roads on the north bank .
4 The Ford slowed down in front of them and slowly came to a halt , blocking the entire road .
5 Since Mr Haynes owns 62% of the group 's equity and gladly confesses to a liking for general publishing , it seems likely that his views on keeping the division will prevail .
6 For Augustine , mystical experience operated in the gap between the Creator and creature , enabling man to recognise his own true nature and so come to a knowledge of God — a process possible only because of the Incarnation , the love poured out from the being of God to his creatures which revealed how He could be known .
7 The TCCB , bless them , have tried with all their splintered might to redress a short-changing of the public by players in knockout competitions which has bordered on the fraudulent , and only came to a head following the Benson & hedges Cup final at Lord 's last year , and the Oval semi-final of the Nat West Trophy a month later .
8 It had less and less to say to a home-owning , share-owning , bourgeoisified population , at least so it seemed .
9 History , far from constituting a privileged form of ( historical ) knowledge , is simply the myth of modern man , and merely amounts to a method of analysis .
10 He said that the increasing number of pressure groups in other EC countries ( which at the moment have fewer groups than the UK ) would influence both public and political opinion and thus contribute to a situation in which implementation and enforcement of EC environmental legislation would improve .
11 His legal advisers are anxious to establish a functioning police and judiciary system so that Somalis can begin to administer themselves — and thus bring to an end the violent anarchy that has caused the death from famine of up to 400,000 people .
12 For the moment it is enough to observe that the Historie/ Geschichte dichotomy could very easily end up looking rather like Lessing 's between the accidental truths of history and the necessary truths of reason , or Fichte 's between the historical and the metaphysical , and thus lead to a position open to the same charge of Gnosticism that Baur had laid at the door of Hegel and Schleiermacher .
13 The animal immediately loses its coordination and soon comes to a standstill .
14 ‘ It 's overshot the runway , ’ shouted Greg as the plane bumped sickeningly across the field and finally slithered to a halt in the long grass on the far perimeters of the airfield .
15 He ran down the first alleyway he came to , across the next street , over gardens and waste ground , and finally slowed to a stop , listening to the still night .
16 We talked and gradually came to a decision that was quite contrary to the one we had held when we hauled ourselves out of our clothes a half-hour before .
17 Rotation of the impeller was commenced at 5000 rpm and gradually increased to a maximum of 30000 rpm .
18 This will improve the tester 's familiarity with the test and gradually lead to an accumulation of knowledge of testing in general .
19 The pressure is then eased off and gradually reapplied to a maximum again .
20 Messengers would then , when making up numbers for ships ' crews , ignore the crowd of men outside , " sneak out and deliberately proceed to a boarding house and obtain the required number of men " .
21 Since he took up the position in 1987 , closures of geriatric hospitals , partnership with the private sector , nurse regradings , NHS trusts and a review of maternity and acute services , which will cut over 1,000 hospital beds and possibly lead to a closure of a number of hospitals , are among the controversies which have raged .
22 Notions of what it means to read are much more diverse , encompassing more than a judgement on the text , and always referring to an interplay between text and the discursive space in which judgements about it are formed .
23 I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word .
24 It is a label that cam be quickly and uncritically applied to a range of reading : such things as comics and fan magazines , the Christmas annuals , TV and cinema spin-offs , albums of stickers , the works of Enid Blyton , and so on .
25 It is possible to do away with demons and still cling to a belief in the Devil , but once the Devil is denied then ipso facto so are the demon hordes .
26 The prophet Tawney , now writing for the Manchester Guardian and still committed to an extension of grammar-school opportunities could , on the twenty-first anniversary of Secondary Education for All , write : ‘ Now , at last , the reign of organised torpor masquerading as statesmanship shows signs of ending . ’
27 Third , major landscape changes appeared to be more and more confined to a change in either tenure or farming type , and were clearly the result of well-thought-out decisions rather than the often piecemeal changes of the 1960s .
28 The typical pattern is for the Japanese businessman to eat at a restaurant in the evening and thereafter go to a bar or cabaret .
29 With the opening of the Channel Tunnel becoming a reality , and hopefully leading to a rise in rail traffic , one can not help thinking that had the magnificiently engineered GCR survived the troubled 1960's this would have been the chosen route for this traffic .
30 The number of second homes in existence is surprisingly uncertain , partly because of problems of definition and partly owing to a reticence on the part of owners to advertise themselves in view of the possible local opposition .
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