Example sentences of "and [pers pn] be [verb] in [num] " in BNC.

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1 Phil and I were getting in two stories a week .
2 Now duty rosters , trains , all the different trains that have got to be clean you see , and I was putting in ten minutes less than really would be required you see , and that saved er hours you see , saved hours .
3 Three of her ten books were about Ireland and she was honoured in 1904 with an honorary D.Litt. from Dublin University .
4 And we are seeing in eighteen thirty a significant gap between on the one hand erm the western powers and on the other hand the east european or the central and eastern european powers .
5 And they 're grouped in threes .
6 John Cornford 's poems appeared in New Writing , the Cambridge Review , and the Student Vanguard , and they were collected in 1938 in John Cornford : a Memoir , edited by Pat Sloan .
7 The two he uses on stage have held up well , though ; it 's remarkable because they 've never been rebuilt and they were made in 1959 .
8 She was sending Auntie Lou the money for their rail tickets and they were to leave in two weeks ’ time .
9 They were some of the first cars to be withdrawn when the fleet was modernised , and they were scrapped in 1934 .
10 A whole flat to use , and he 's lived in one room .
11 She said , no you write and he 'll , she 'll write back , you see but , and he went out to France and he was killed in three months and and his name , so they told me was on the er , on the board at er .
12 MacArthur was not personally much interested in economic matters and he was faced in 1947–48 with vocal pressure for a new approach to economic questions .
13 Rubio ( 1908 ) was the first American-bred horse to triumph at Aintree , and he was followed in 1909 by Lutteur III who gave the French their first success in the race .
14 Merceron promptly resigned as treasurer ; but no one could be found to take his place , and he was re-elected in 1805 .
15 My great-grandfather , William Bayles , was the first to occupy it and he was born in 1826 .
16 The son of a bookbinder from Augsburg , Leopold had studied philosophy at the Benedictine university in Salzburg , but the academic life did not suit him , and he was expelled in 1739 .
17 He was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1930 and brigadier in 1933 , and he was knighted in 1937 .
18 The Federation Cup itself was purchased in 1982 for £300 and it is inscribed in two languages , English and French .
19 In 1910 her The History of English Secular Embroidery appeared and it was followed in 1914 by Furniture in England from 1660 to 1770 and Decoration in England from 1660 to 1770 , albeit both under the name of the fashionable decorator Francis Lenygon , by whom Margaret was casually employed .
20 The beautiful old building in neoclassical style is called the Palacio de Anaya , situated on the square of that name , and it was built in 1760 .
21 A large number of manuscript copies survive , some owned by lay people like John Kilham , a London merchant , and it was printed in 1494 at the command of Lady Margaret Tudor the mother of Henry Vll .
22 Construction of this was begun in 1955 , and it was inaugurated in 1964 .
23 Cnut had a church built at the site of the battle , and it was consecrated in 1020 , at about the same time that he allowed the replacement of clerics by monks in St Edmund 's church at Bury .
24 They launched it in May 1984 ( and it was updated in 1989 ) .
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