Example sentences of "and [pers pn] be [vb pp] [that] this " in BNC.

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1 Women made up only a minor proportion of the prison population in Geurrero and I was assured that this situation was reflected throughout Mexico .
2 And she was determined that this would not happen .
3 That is to say that both bitmap and vector graphics are supported a la Corel 3 , but a lot faster ( and we 're told that this being a Beta version , there 's a fair amount of debugging code in the software that will slow it down .
4 Because of ethical considerations no placebo group was established and it is conceded that this inevitably limits the strength of overall conclusions made .
5 Two officers whose term of secondment came to an end in the course of the year were replaced by promotions from within the Library 's staff , and it is intended that this pattern should continue when the remaining officer returns to the Scottish Office in due course .
6 At the end of May the first meeting of the London and South East branch of the S.D.R.R.S. was held in the Camden Irish Centre and it is hoped that this branch and its members will make a valuable contribution to the restoration effort .
7 Our two organisations have exchanged Newsletters and it is hoped that this will continue on a regular basis , and that further links may be established in the future .
8 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
9 Consideration by Ministers of the member states at the Research Council is likely to follow at the end of December and it is hoped that this will produce a ‘ common position ’ , that is agreement on the proposal possibly as amended in the light of the comments of the Parliament and of the advisory bodies to the Council .
10 Since these observations were received , SCOTVEC and CNAA have agreed that joint Validation Events may be held ( see Update No. 2 ) and it is hoped that this will avoid problems of this kind arising .
11 A programme of CPD will be requirement of membership of the RIBA from 1992 , and it is argued that this is already covered by the charter and Byelaws which commit members to the ‘ acquirement of the arts and sciences ’ associated with the advancement of architecture .
12 The long-term trend towards greater equality of income and wealth has been reversed under the Conservative governments of 1979 onwards and it is argued that this ‘ strategy of inequality ’ ( Child Poverty Action Group ) , which is seen as a direct consequence of the drive towards popular capitalism , has led to a major increase in poverty in the UK and to the possible emergence of an underclass , who lack any stake in popular capitalism and who are caught in the dependency culture .
13 Citizens ’ Advice Bureaux , for example , rely heavily upon volunteers with few paid advisers and it is argued that this gives the organisation a positive strength and a particularly good claim to independence and impartiality .
14 The 1993 programme is currently being planned and it is anticipated that this will include seminars on bus and coach statistics , road safety statistics , transport finance statistics and ports and shipping statistics .
15 Energy is then put into the system by the process of succussion and it is visualized that this energy input helps to stabilize the shape-specific water polymers so formed .
16 Inveterate trafficker in traffic systems Peek Plc told its annual meeting yesterday that it saw signs of a trading upturn in March : ‘ Although trading conditions in the first two months of the current year continued to be difficult , we have seen signs of improvement in March — there is currently a significant amount of enquiry and bidding activity and it is expected that this will translate into firm orders , ’ chairman Ken Maud said .
17 However , their results show that this postnatal reduction in receptor levels is less marked in women who suffer from maternity blues , and it is suggested that this may be the cause of the depression .
18 As with GSK3 , phosphorylation by CKII also inhibits c-Jun DNA binding in vitro and it is thought that this is a mechanism by which the cell can maintain c-Jun in an inactive state until it is activated by dephosphorylation .
19 This raid had prompted the USA to suspend its dialogue with the PLO [ see pp. 37547-48 ] , and it was hoped that this dialogue would now be resumed .
20 A fresh look at the whole process was needed , and it was felt that this could be achieved by taking a systems view , unbiased by what was then happening in practice , ie before the Act took effect .
21 The importance of providing a focal point for these developments was also emphasised , and it was felt that this could be part of the role of the College Administration Officer so that non-partisan strategies for computer developments could be evolved .
22 Also women are invisible in the unemployment statistics and it was felt that this needs to be addressed .
23 Drivers were asked to give the risk rating immediately they heard the tone and it was emphasized that this rating should be one of what they were already feeling when they heard the tone rather than a subsequent assessment of the risk present .
24 The major interest was in the preparation of audiovisual teaching aids and it was decided that this should be the focus of a co-operative scheme and a steering committee was formed to co-ordinate the work .
25 However , after three months the UK government privatized the telephone industry , and it was decided that this newly quoted company , British Telecommunications , should be included in the index with a weight of 0.10 .
26 The response from colleges greatly encouraged the Council and it was agreed that this part of the Development Programme should be continued by inviting colleges to participate in 1989 pilot schemes .
27 Now to the house itself , one of the early observers gives us a clue when mentioning the house he writes of the fine Elizabethan chimneys still standing , these I believe are those which collapsed in 1973 after having previously been lowered owing to their dangerous condition , on the collapse of these some fine timber framing was discovered in the older parts of the house showing considerable blackening , and Mrs Lingham informed me that vestiges of a gallery were discovered , and it was suggested that this part of the building may have been of the hall type .
28 The intention was for students to complete a short initial destinations questionnaire as they approached the end of their course , and it was suggested that this might be done in the last formal course session , or when projects were handed in ( if appropriate ) .
29 And it was suggested that this scheme should be presented to us , I thought one of their representatives was supposed to be coming here tonight to present it to us , obviously not been possible .
30 An audit of Stroessner 's financial affairs had been ordered by the government in March , and it was reported that this would reveal details of a " secret account " into which Stroessner and his former Treasury Minister , Gen. Cesar Barrientos [ for whose death see p. 36687 ] , had deposited millions of dollars from tolls and special petrol tax payments .
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