Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I take my jacket off again and sit down to look through the War files …
2 Closely-related snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis winter in small flocks where the snow is thinnest on the southern tundra , and fly northward to breed on the high arctic tundra in summer , when snow still plentiful on the ground ( Pattie , 1972 , 1977 ) .
3 I draw parallel with the door and crane forward to see into the room .
4 Go right and push the crate onto the button , go up on the lift and to the left , push the crate off the edge of the platform , go up on the lift and right , climb up six platforms and push the crate left , fall left and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , jump onto the ledges on the wall and go up , go right , up , left , up , push the crate right , fall down , push the crate right into the button , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , drop down to the stationary lift , go left then up , push the crate down , right , right , left , right and right onto the button .
5 Go right and push the crate onto the button , go up on the lift and to the left , push the crate off the edge of the platform , go up on the lift and right , climb up six platforms and push the crate left , fall left and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , jump onto the ledges on the wall and go up , go right , up , left , up , push the crate right , fall down , push the crate right into the button , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , drop down to the stationary lift , go left then up , push the crate down , right , right , left , right and right onto the button .
6 At the top of the shaft , push the crate right onto the switch , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , push the next crate right onto the button , then go along the next conveyor belt .
7 In cricket they used to put her at ‘ long leg ’ where the ball hardly ever penetrated , and she would take a book and lie down to read in the long grass .
8 Chelmsford have beaten the Surrey side twice on their own ice and know how to cope with the likes of Sean Murphy , Darren Zinger and Danny O'Hanlon .
9 Or they 'll wait until I 'm half-way through a sentence , and get up to go to the loo .
10 The modern way is to meet a group of patients over a party-type meal and discuss how to cope with the problems that may arise .
11 Do n't be too long , and try not to dawdle on the way there and back .
12 If he thought something interesting , he would desert what he was doing and amble off to meditate on the new idea , muttering to himself as he walked .
13 These perfumed transvestites draw away rival males and sneak back to mate with the females .
14 But in the meantime how pleasant it is to find oneself arriving in the evening for the first time in some lively little English market town , where one can forget for a while the noisy onward march of science , and settle down to meditate upon the civilised past .
15 People wake more easily during the light paradoxical sleep , and take longer to fall into the more restful deeper orthodox sleep , especially if they are under stress or in an unfamiliar environment .
16 — When Manjiku comes , she shuts her eyes and lets herself fall down his throat past the barbed teeth and come down to land in the foul bilgewater in his gut .
17 Let us pass the word along and come together to fight in the only way left open to us — the way the church has always been meant to fight — behind enemy lines .
18 ‘ We must retain a team spirit of purpose and commitment to reach the summit and return successfully to base before the autumn monsoon . ’
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