Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When will the right hon. Gentleman give that consistency and leadership to the police and back them for a change ?
2 ‘ Just go and lose yerself for a week , son .
3 Fortunately , modern enclosures are slowly replacing these cages which are cramped and provide nothing for the animal .
4 We gave our permission that the women should gather up the dead and give them burial according to the fashion of this people — ‘ t is said they strip the flesh and griddle it for a delicacy beforetimes , but I for one do not give this credence .
5 Think yourself into it and hold it for a while .
6 The Scots word ‘ gillie ’ , referring to a stable-boy whose job it is to settle a pony and hold it for a child to ride , is derived from the fey and solitary ghillie dhu .
7 ‘ You ca n't just rent a villa or a flat overlooking the Med and install yourself for a peppercorn rent like people used to .
8 I should n't be surprised if Hollywood sends a plane to bomb the Indians and punish them for the death of Matt .
9 Or , it would build 21 district hospitals and run them for a year .
10 Little mini and run it for a year , run the engine ru non stop for a year and it 's going to use quite a few gallons .
11 If we take our budget-fixing example and examine it for a moment , we realise that two separate things may be going on .
12 He shall feel the ground give under him , if only once , he shall fall , and men shall see him fall , and know him for a man like other men .
13 in the end , Graham decided to donate the tank , equipment and fish and maintain it for the hospital free of charge .
14 Rebuild the Roman villa and use it for a hydro and health farm .
15 Like my man in Hampstead , he does n't trust people to collect money and use it for the purpose they say they will .
16 But it needs some encouragement to port to Unix and substitute it for the server , rather than OS/2 .
17 Having laid the groundwork of his interest , the politician had to be ready when election time rolled around again , and at that point an incumbent who could re-apply to constituents whom he had frequent occasion to meet , and ask them for a continuation of their friendship , without suggesting for a moment that any of them had a duty to support him in recognition of an implied bargain for past favours , was in a far stronger position than a man whose only contacts with his constituents took the form of patronage letters .
18 Daisy was screwing up her courage to accost Ricky and ask him for a drink after church when the Vicar launched into the final prayer about being made flesh , and she suddenly remembered the vast ox heart cooking in the oven for Ethel , which would burn dry if it was n't taken out , so she belted home .
19 And er anyway he come and ask me for a dance he did he goes , I 'm not much of dancer we did that one you know , what they call it ?
20 When you 've read it come and ask me for the disk and I 'll lend it to you .
21 His technique was to go up to one at a literary party and ask her for a cigarette .
22 Would you like to go to grandma and ask her for a cloth ?
23 Perhaps we would fling pride aside and ask someone for the price of a cup of tea , actually intending to spend it on that .
24 Sell all , retire to an obscure lodging and do anything for a living ?
25 Put the containers in a warm place and leave them for a week .
26 And then when I get to school , I do , I have to pour all the water into the tank , and leave it for a couple of hours and at break time put the fish into the into the mix water
27 At this stage , it is a good idea to cover the picture with glass and leave it for a while .
28 All you do is add water and leave it for a month .
29 Try sending a fax to the main Leeds Utd number ( coming up ) , and mark it for the attention of the SOUVENIR SHOP .
30 In each case , the wizard must pick up the book and caress it for a minimum of 1 hour .
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