Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once you 've chosen your lights and bought the transformer and cable , all you have to do is position the lights , run the cable to them , and connect it back to the transformer terminals .
2 Although it is not mentioned in the Act , the Government intended to act as an agent of the Government of India , by using its compulsory powers to purchase the site of the India Office and sell it back to the Indian Government .
3 For once they managed to evade the searchlights , dodge the guard-dogs , tunnel under the barbed wire and make it back to the sanctuary of their bunks before Stein and the Stalag Squad knew they were gone .
4 ‘ This will help to redress the balance and bring them back to a positive situation .
5 We call upon the BBC for a radical change of policy and demand programmes which build character instead of destroying it , which encourage and sustain faith in God and bring Him back to the heart of our family and national life .
6 In the end I had to go up to him and bring him back to the fire .
7 Could I say to the minister and bring him back to the real world about regeneration .
8 Well often I might see somebody waving out by the gate frantically trying to get in where he 's put one of his different size padlocks round the gate , the back gate and the front gate , and often if we need to feed the cat he 's padlocked all the different padlocks round the kitchen cupboards erm we 've been unable to get the cat food out , so we 've had to go off in the car and bring him back from a friend because he 's the only one who knows which key goes with which padlock to undo all the cupboards .
9 Once a site in a bush or tree has been selected , the pair of long-ta fled tits search for moss and bring it back to the site .
10 He took a stick and poked the leaves till they glowed , orange flames flickered around the strap and the helmet began to shrivel , slowly becoming unrecognisable , so that Barnes would n't pull it out later and bring it back to the house .
11 Keep listening until you are sure that you will recognise the sounds the next time you hear them , then withdraw the spade and push it back into the ground some feet away .
12 This union along with the Labour Party should have no with the philosophy of workfare , it once and once and for all reject this philosophy and send it back to the bad old days of workhouses , parish guardians , the real Victorian values .
13 it 's all mass produced and they might as well not sell it to you , and send it back to the manufacturers and get a full discount .
14 I can actually recall a press release which came to me about a a principal tourism officer who had just been appointed to be the head , you know the president for the year of his professional body , and in his own town a press release was put out in which his name was incorrectly spelt , and the conference at which he was about to be invested was actually taking , and I blush to say that it was in Brighton , I can only tell you when I got that press release I did what I frequently do , which is outline in highlighter the mistakes on the press release , put it back into the envelope and send it back to the relevant officer .
15 It lay around the office for a day or two , until someone had time to open it and send it back with a brief note , giving the time and circumstances of Elsie 's death .
16 Next Thursday 's club E.G.M will debate a plan for chairman Wallace Mercer to buy the ground and lease it back to the club .
17 Hearts chairman , Wallace Mercer has abandoned his proposal to buy the club 's ground at Tynecastle and lease it back to the club .
18 ‘ Mr Deveraugh , ’ she said , shaping the words with lips flattened by barely suppressed rage , ‘ you will turn this boat around , right now , and head us back in the direction of the rafts . ’
19 Then lift the front foot high and hook it back into the opponent 's head .
20 A deadline was set up but it has come and gone and we no have no alternative but to reclaim the shares and place them back on the market .
21 Funded by the Londonderry Regeneration Initiative , the task of the project team is to listen to the views of individuals and communities and relay them back to the board .
22 I was going to tell her I had taken her keys and let myself back into the house , " he added , " but I arrived too late .
23 Vivienne would pick them up and say , it 's alright I 'll just wash them down and put them back on the rack .
24 and she says she sat , she sat er still you know with her arms folded and all like that and she says , oh she says I think you er collect the books and stamp them and put them back on the shelves and she said they all laughed , but she got the job in opposition to er , a few others you know
25 She stared at it for a couple of minutes , then , with a prolonged sigh , began to take them out and put them back into the cupboards and drawers .
26 Crawford scooped up the suds in his hands and put them back in the machine — through the open door .
27 Give them needle and put them back in the stalls again .
28 He ate it in two bites , like a dog , and put me back on the gravestone .
29 Then they take you out and put you back on the slab and you are lying there absolutely stark naked in a stone room with three masked people looking at you .
30 Then he added a fatal dose of your ethylene stuff to it and put it back on the carving rest … ’
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