Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Humility is to orient our lives towards God , so that we understand and obey him in a greater and greater sense .
2 They form a component of some social stratification systems simply because members of those systems select certain characteristics and evaluate them in a particular way .
3 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
4 We will now develop these themes and combine them in a systematic way to construct an improved understanding of the relationship between daily life and the nation state .
5 They have been left behind by the economic restructuring of the 1980s , shunted off on a branch line of history and left back in the twilight of the 1970s along with flares and skinheads , a time when demagogues made last-ditch efforts to salvage working-class pride and channel it in a fascist direction .
6 Take three potatoes of the same variety and place one in a cool dark place , expose one to daylight and one to fluorescent light .
7 Cut the mackerel fillets into cubes and place them in a large bowl .
8 These choices inevitably narrow its vision and place it in a certain niche in the media market .
9 Take a cat and place it in a special room with a circle of passages and doors .
10 The remedy was to separate the essence of national life ( a language and a culture ) from the organization of economic activity , and embody it in a separate institution .
11 Or , the US could try to overcome the political disability of association with what was at least a latent French colonial enterprise ; as midwife help to bring the independent state of Vietnam into existence ; and , as godfather , protect and support it in a cruel world .
12 Social workers should always have as clear a plan as possible for the child , and implement it in a shorter time than normal .
13 They come out of lectures and then they round them up and put them in a small group , you know .
14 Make them up beforehand and put them in a cool bag — or take boiled water in a sterile Thermos flask and mix feeds as you go .
15 Cut these and put them in a nice vase .
16 ‘ And when I was up in the tree , ’ she added , gazing up at him , ‘ I saw a thief climb into the Botanical Gardens and dig up a lot of bulbs and put them in a big case and go off with them ! ’
17 While I ca n't say I actually enjoyed the experience — as usual , two shirts flaked me out and put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day — I did find the whole process a whole lot easier on the nerves than throwing a glass of water across a shirt in the hope that somehow the creases , along with the water , would eventually evaporate .
18 A tall and smartly dressed Englishwoman took my hand and put me in a chauffeur-driven car and , suddenly , after three months of confinement behind barbed-wire fences , we were driving away , through the barrier and down the lanes thick and bright with the leaves and flowers of spring .
19 well I think that , that the , the sending out of the press release immediately was , was quite correct , because obviously people had ride that , sorry people may have read that and something therefore had to be said , my personal view was that really this article is you had , if you like had undone everything that we had been trying to do , erm and put us in a bad light and it maybe my Scottish background , but I do n't like people calling in to question my motives and the companies motives , erm and I felt that it went straight to what we were really standing for , given what I explained about my thoughts in nineteen eighty seven , it was hitting straight to the core of the whole proposition and everything that stood for , erm and that is what was the great concern and because it was n't just like a , a mild slap in the face it was more like a knife in the ribs , it was therefore required a lot more thinking about as to the reaction that we would then have to come up with .
20 Put in as many as the bottle will hold conveniently , and put it in a warm sunny place for 12 hours , and keep warm for the next 12 , then remove the spikes .
21 Nevertheless the constructive work of Communists in the Blitz and the war factories kept the Party alive and put it in a good position to exploit the opportunities for expansion that followed Hitler 's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 .
22 He could take the redundancy money and put it in a separate account !
23 Put layer after layer of washed , fresh runner beans and plenty of salt in a large-necked earthenware container , cover the neck with a cloth and put it in a cool , dark place .
24 Alternatively , enclose in clean , clear polythene bags or cover with cling film to prevent moisture loss and stand them in a warm place .
25 In Chesterfield , a plan by the city council to build over the market place and incorporate it in a new , covered shopping precinct was opposed by a petition with more than 80,000 signatures , and the plans were withdrawn .
26 There is no single criterion by which a scientist must judge the merit or promise of a paradigm , and further , proponents of competing programmes will subscribe to different sets of standards and will even view the world in different ways and describe it in a different language .
27 It remained an integral part of a government department but with an attempt to try to introduce accountable management and run it in a businesslike fashion .
28 He saw Ratagan 's axe flash like a star and bury itself in a hairy snout , splintering black blood .
29 ( iv ) Close the chambers with a second coverslip and stack them in a 50 ml polycarbonate centrifuge tube with a hole drilled through its base and a Perspex plunger inserted in the bottom third of the tube .
30 Trim the leaf ends from the aubergines and immerse them in a large saucepan .
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