Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 What you did was to save the lot up and cash it in for a big meal .
2 ‘ I always wanted to work with a squad of young players and bring them on for a few seasons .
3 His room overlooked our house , and he could watch the comings and goings — we were having some turf laid at the time in which he was taking a great interest — and I used to drive round there every evening at half past five and bring him home for a meal , after which we would chat or watch television .
4 Well , she her , her sleeping habits during the day change to afternoons , and , well today she 's been she had about two hours this afternoon , so if we did our normal and gave her tea at five o'clock , and send them up for a bath at half past six , there 's no way she 'd be asleep .
5 Of course , this may lead them to run onto the rotted wood , which will give way and let them in for a long fall …
6 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
7 Why did n't he take that with him and put it in for a minute , for god 's sake .
8 ‘ I hope they catch this cowardly thug and lock him up for a long time . ’
9 And if you do go back there , at least phone me occasionally and ask me over for a meal — I 'll bring a bottle of vino .
10 He had had to fight for everything he had done , fight the people who wanted to wrap him up safely and wheel him out for a bit of ribbon-cutting and ceremonial .
11 ‘ Then knock the lid down so that the rough edges are holding the lid in place , so to speak , and leave it again for a bit .
12 But if you want your life story to grip them by the throat and take them along for a rattling good ride which will haunt them for years to come — forget it .
13 Two o'clock and I always used to leave work and take him out for an hour .
14 You will then be in a position to feed your dog , and take it out for a walk until it has relieved itself , bearing in mind that it must be prevented from taking strenuous exercise at this stage .
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