Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sixth Duke never married , but he was a great horticulturist , and it is believed it was his interest and influence which led to the establishment of the Royal Horticultural Society at Chiswick .
2 In the dressing room before kick-off , Ian wo n't need anyone to dangle pieces of raw meat in front of him and make him strain at the leash because he 'll be bursting to get stuck into the Turks more than anyone .
3 ‘ I saw state policemen drag strikers across the road and make them kneel in the ditch there while they held shotguns in their backs .
4 Our main purpose in life is to make people aware of the problem , to make them think of their own vulnerability and responsibility and make them act in a safe and sensible way .
5 However , I feel it is better to dominate all dogs equally and make them come to a submissive position in front of the owner , preferably the down position .
6 One longs to give a copy each to ten assorted bus company managers ( leavened with the occasional politician and academic ) and make them wait on a cold dark wet night in a vandalised bus shelter for an unpredictable R registered banger .
7 Soho , meanwhile , enthuse and make me feel like a miserable old fart .
8 That we should cut off the electricity and make everyone live in the dark ?
9 And they forgot to knock at the door and make themselves known to the people inside .
10 We 'll make your blood run cold and make you laugh on the Sinister side of your face at Women 's Wit and Wickedness .
11 He put out his hand towards her now but did n't touch her , saying , ‘ Do n't faint ; it wo n't help you any because I 'll only revive you with a jug of cold water and make you listen to the finish .
12 And I 'm going to have this white frill sp er erm roll , and I 'm going to roll the fabric I 'm going to leave all the pleating , not cut into that , but cut the valance platform and fold it over if you understand me and make it go over the the pole .
13 On the northern coalfield the rejection of badly filled corves on the grounds that they had been deliberately underfilled — " they will sometimes be so roguish as to set these big coals hollow at the Corfe bottom , and cover them with some small coals at the top of the Corves , and make it look like a full Corfe " — was a long-running grievance which led to a strike at one mine in 1751 .
14 Their activity amazed and baffled even the sceptical Bernier : ‘ They tell any person his thoughts , cause the branch of a tree to blossom and to bear fruit within an hour , hatch an egg in their bosom within fifteen minutes , producing what ever bird may be demanded , and make it fly around the room . ’
15 Round and round they staggered like the end of some ghastly marathon , Luke dragging Maldita upright and along by her headcollar , supporting her with his body , Perdita propping up her other side .
16 In an effort to combat the isolation and fear I felt at the time , I sought out a number of parents in similar situations to my own ; we had to create our own support systems .
17 Push the crate left onto the button , stand on the conveyor belt , duck and go left , jump up two platforms and crawl right , through the wall , collect the speaker , go back out of the cave and jump up , go right at the top and fall down the hole , go right and jump over the crate and push it left onto the button , go up on the lift , then right , jump onto the crate on the top platform and push it right , then left onto the button .
18 So next time you see a decaying barn or cottage , stop the car , take a snap or two , and send them to SAVE with the name and address of the property .
19 This is that the evaluation of a company 's prospects is ultimately a matter of subjective judgment , and hence what ‘ economists frequently characterize as quantifiable risks are in reality uncertainties of such large and incalculable proportions as to intimidate investors and send them scurrying to the seemingly safer ground of follow-the-leader ’ .
20 Her brain raced over and over what her mother would say , how awful she would feel , what she ought to do , until she felt that the movement in her head would spin her off the bed and send her whirling round the room .
21 Stepping down at the end , he lay on the bed of nails and rolled across it to the foot of the ladder , which he climbed , pausing on each blade to detach a yellow paper prayer flag and send it fluttering to the ground .
22 When the public respond to your advertisements or because they have heard that you do personal injury work , it is not enough just to tell them that you do and expect them to come into the office .
23 How can he have the nerve to stand there calm and composed and expect me to behave in the same way ? she thought angrily .
24 ‘ People go on about my goalscoring now and expect me to score in every game now I 've hit a purple patch .
25 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
26 was I gave my mum a lift because I , and d' ya know by the time he gets better
27 In fact , she did n't just feel like groaning — the frustration and worry she felt at the moment were enough to make her want to scream blue murder !
28 no I do n't think I wan na just sit and wash somebody sitting in a chair
29 Guerrillas from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) and the National Liberation Army ( ELN ) on Aug. 11 and Aug. 16 carried out raids in the departments of Huilar and Bolívar which resulted in the deaths of 17 members of the security forces , 20 guerrillas and two doctors .
30 Their main concern was that independent arbitration would drag out negotiations and prevent them complying with the MMC proposals to free pubs from the tie by the deadline of November 1992 .
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