Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Send photographs if available ; if not , take some and forward them as soon as possible .
2 Learn it , try and say it as fast as you can , do it in groups , as a round …
3 He urged all states " to back it and implement it as soon as possible " .
4 Take a line from the longer axis of the Southern Cross and extend it as far as Achernar ; the south pole lies about midway along it .
5 These ‘ eclectic ’ economists prefer to look at each element of the debate and assess it as dispassionately as possible in the light
6 They 're likely to stick in your throat and choke you as surely as will a hangman 's rope one day . ’
7 If you do not have scales and can not afford them , try to borrow some , or find your nearest public scales and visit them as often as you can .
8 They consider Northern Ireland to be their second home and visit it as often as possible .
9 Please do not forget your university , come and visit us as often as you can and watch how we grow and change .
10 Spirit and flesh both quailed before so difficult and rowdy an audience on so difficult and perilous a subject … as I sat in the committee room while the order of the meeting was being arranged , and heard my audience shouting , singing , crowing like cocks … and keeping up a continuous uproar , I thought to myself , ‘ I have got to go into that and control it somehow so as to be heard ’ …
11 It does n't have to be followed slavishly , which can happen when a man wants to impose a schedule and organise it as formally as he has organised his work .
12 Information is increasingly a very marketable product and the advance of information technology gives the library , as a major source of information as well as an important user of information technology , the opportunity to take advantage of the strong current interest , and promote itself as aggressively as the purveyors of the hardware and software .
13 We were to discover what opportunities there were , and use them as fully as we could .
14 If you are cutting from a severed stem , take it with you to the stock to be budded , or if you are taking a number of buds , get the stem into a deep can of water at once and use it as soon as possible .
15 The organisation , local and national , has to build on this environment and use it as powerfully as possible .
16 They employ the absolute minimal number of people and keep everything as tight as they did when they first set out .
17 I just do whatever feels natural and deliver it as sincerely as I can . ’
18 After the coup , the only way leaders who had remained members of the central committee or the Politburo or even of CPSU regional committees could retain their influence was to repudiate the party and leave it as quickly as possible .
19 If your battle plan is to charge headlong at the enemy and engage him as soon as possible chariots are ideal .
20 So could I please see the Master and arrange it as quickly as possible ? ’
21 This booklet has been produced to help you identify potential dangers and correct them as soon as possible .
22 This booklet has been produced to help you identify potential dangers and correct them as soon as possible .
23 But anything I do , I 'll have a bloody good go at it and take it as far as I can .
24 At this time of year cuttings wilt rapidly , so pop them straight into a polythene bag and prepare them as soon as possible .
25 3 Some homework routines : insist on regular and prompt homework — keep a check on work received encourage students to keep their work , make sure students know exactly what to do 4 Marking and giving back homework : mark and return it as soon as possible , devise an easily comprehensible marking scheme , be careful not to overmark , put encouraging brief comments at the end of the work whenever possible be prepared to explain your corrections , either collectively to the class as a whole or individually
26 Alcoholics Anonymous ( who should know ) in their Pamphlet " Are you an alcoholic ? " say that a Positive answer to any four of the following questions indicates cause for concern : To answer this question ( " Are you an alcoholic ? " ) ask yourself the following questioned and answer them as honestly as you can .
27 I hope that the hon. Member for Newry and Armagh , and other hon. Members who represent Northern Ireland , will agree that one of the absolute keys is to ensure that the money we spend gets to the people who most deserve and need it as quickly as possible .
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