Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had another cup and watched her take the rollers out of her hair and comb it carefully into a high , curly pompadour .
2 The zoo-man at the turnstile 'd come rushing out and Vern 'd get scared and drag me away to the place where he 'd hidden my …
3 The Eurythmics song finishes and you put a foot on the ghetto-blaster 's power cable and drag it smartly across the bathroom tiles , pulling the lead from the back of the machine .
4 FastPort allows you to move printers to convenient locations and connect them directly to the network .
5 He was still small and malleable enough for Annie to put the palm of her hand over his chest and tummy , swing him back onto his back and tickle him gently with the tips of her splayed fingers .
6 By choosing to investigate the ideas behind Magritte 's art , Sylvester 's discussion of important pictures such as ‘ The Annunciation ’ or ‘ The Rape ’ is fragmented and spread over different chapters , an irritation aggravated by the publishers who have failed to give plate references to the illustrations and cite them appropriately in the text .
7 Yes , that was some time ago when I was working as a hostess with the British Council and used to collect meet VIPs at the station and bring them here to the university .
8 There was a boat at the mill , and the current would help him down-river in the crossing and bring him quickly to the water-meadows by the abbey .
9 His room overlooked our house , and he could watch the comings and goings — we were having some turf laid at the time in which he was taking a great interest — and I used to drive round there every evening at half past five and bring him home for a meal , after which we would chat or watch television .
10 Or if you will , I will come to the abbey gate , and bring you there by the least frequented way . ’
11 The resource person is able to suggest a more precise and expressive use of vocabulary and structure to help him to make his speech more idiomatic and bring it closer to the native speaker 's use of the language .
12 If the fish is whole , and the fishmonger has done the decent thing — removed the guts and gills , which would taint it during cooking — all you need do is immerse the beast in any container large enough to hold it ( ideally a fish kettle ) , cover it with cold water and bring it gently to the boil .
13 It seemed as if Lydia would take them like a new baby and display them triumphantly to the assembled company .
14 She wanted to snatch them up and hide them away from the coolly assessing scrutiny that seemed to lay her bare .
15 While she is away feeding they take the strange kittens and rub them gently in the bedding that carries the female 's scent .
16 If hesitating between a peach and a pear you languidly inspect sniff and fondle the fruit before deciding for the pear , and eat it slowly with a look of bliss , no one who has left behind the absolutism of childhood ( ‘ Anyone can see that a peach is nicer than a pear ’ ) will doubt that you made the best possible choice between the flavours ; the rightness of the choice , and the objective fact that in the fullest awareness of the two flavours you were spontaneously moved to take the pear , are two sides of the same coin .
17 ‘ Perhaps you could give me one of these coins and send me away with a beating ?
18 Morley Street is one of 11 entries for the Kingwell Hurdle at Wincanton on Thursday , but Balding is likely to avoid taking on Champion Hurdle favourite , Muse , there and send him straight to the Festival .
19 Using scissors , cut out six ‘ mirrors ’ from foil and attach them evenly around the sides of the cake using dabs of royal icing .
20 Make six small balls out of the red marzipan trimmings , each about the size of a pea , and press them gently into the red base , spacing evenly apart .
21 Neaten the joins of the strips as you go along , and press them gently into the side of the cake with your fingers .
22 Take a small piece of glass , lay a circle of acrylic sealant or putty around the edges , and press it firmly to the floor , putty side down .
23 Dr Gray does , however , advise people to take chips out of the frying pan , when possible , and cook them instead in the oven , so reducing their fat content .
24 But what they were asking for our support would we also write to the bus companies again and urge them instead of the buses going down Station Lane to come through our village .
25 Because the money lenders were usually Brahmis , the effect of colonialism was to strengthen the caste system and place it firmly on a class basis .
26 In 1168 Geoffrey stood on the threshold of a long and turbulent career which was to earn him a great reputation as a knight both in Europe and on crusade and to help lift his dynasty out of the ranks of the barons of Poitou and place it firmly among the leading princes of Christendom .
27 Disconnect the basin waste , lift the basin from its brackets or pedestal ( or both ) , and place it upside-down on the floor .
28 He watched Tom lift two more saucepans from the range and empty them together with a handful of salt into the tub .
29 If you are using guitar machine heads ( far more easily adjusted than pegs , which also require special tools to fit them accurately ) it is more convenient to modify the shape of the head and fit them only on the left ( if you are right-handed ) in the manner of Fender guitars .
30 In the course of this they gather the pheromones that she produces and circulate them quickly throughout the colony .
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