Example sentences of "and [vb base] [prep] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once you 've made the choice , though , stick to it throughout the publication , do n't chop and change from one style to another .
2 The effects of technical advancement and change in industrial structure on material handling requirements of firms in South Wales
3 A more gender-balanced communication requires that there be a process of redefinition and change in all areas of human activity .
4 He stressed that community ethics must question a system that marginalises people by monopolising information and communication systems and insist on radical changes in society 's communication structures .
5 WACC is equally grateful to all those women who keep up the pressure and insist on equal opportunities for women and men .
6 Mr Gould promised the party would restore ‘ the great utilities ’ to public ownership and insist on higher standards of regulation than those which had prevailed under the Conservatives .
7 Outside diners are given a choice of fish or meat main course when they book , and sit at smaller tables around the antique-filled dining room .
8 Karen if you go and sit on that seat over there then , come on
9 Perhaps they would go down to the harbour in the evening and watch the yachts coming in to the anchorage , and sit with other groups at the chairs and tables outside the Bell Inn .
10 The equatorial and polar radii have been measured by various means and correspond to some level above the cloud tops .
11 He was an investment banker and financier , in his early fifties , with contacts and influence into all reaches of Industry and Government .
12 His subsequent progress inside the Corporation was rapid and distinctive — from the external services in Bush House to Canada again , this time as BBC representative from 1956 to 1959 ; back to Bush House as head of external broadcasting administration ; on to Broadcasting House as the BBC 's secretary ( 1963–6 ) , a post of varying status and influence at different times in the history of the BBC , but during the regime of the director-general , Sir Hugh Greene , who had personally selected Curran for the job , a key post drawing him into discussions of policy , often highly controversial policy , as well as of administration ; back again to Bush House as director of external services ( 1967–9 ) , which brought him into close touch with government ; and on Greene 's retirement , becoming , to his considerable surprise , director-general himself in April 1969 .
13 a pattern of change and influence in considerable contrast to the more widely held image of the Georgian squire as a wine-swilling glutton intent largely on the pleasures of the chase .
14 It also suggests why ‘ interdisciplinarity ’ may occur not simply at the notional boundaries of contiguous disciplines , but as a subtle and often unpredictable flow of information and influence from one part of the model to another .
15 Signor Datrino attributes his success and influence within Russian circles to the ideal combination of Russian fatalism and Italian fantasy , noting that he has achieved enormous recognition for his efforts , including the patronage of the Italian President Scalfaro who will be paying a visit .
16 This deficiency is linked in some way to the death of nerve cells that arise in the forebrain and connect to many regions of the cerebral cortex .
17 While searching for prey , many dolphin species move in tight schools distributed over a large area , using sound to stay in contact and communicate with each other over significant distances .
18 They squawk and scratch with unturned-out feet in temps levés and batterie , elbows flapping and heads pecking and poking .
19 Any EC national may now reside in any member state to seek or take up employment , accompanied by his family ( Directive 68/360/EC ) , establish firms or provide services ( 73/148 ) and remain in that territory after having been employed in that State ( 70/1251 , 72/194 ) .
20 ( ix ) Incubate extracted cells at room temperature for approximately 20 min in an appropriate dilution of the specific antibody in PBS — Tween + 3 mg/ml BSA , wash twice in PBS — Tween and stain for 20 min in the second ( labelled ) antibody diluted in PBS — Tween + 3 mg/ml BSA .
21 The three front men appear to have worked out a rota so that when one of them tired of the constant leaping about he can take a breather while the other two step in and compensate with eye-catching leaps of their own .
22 Use the darkest pinks on lids and lips , for example , then lightly highlight cheeks , chin and browbone with paler tones in the same family .
23 Bourdieu , though less witty and stylish , achieves a large number of advances over Veblen 's account in terms of the sophistication of his analysis and his ability to move this critique away from the characterization of a particular segment of the population to the analysis of French society as a whole , and from simple emulation and display to complex forces of strategy and social reproduction .
24 Add the apple and coconut , bring to the boil and simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour .
25 Bring to the boil and simmer for 2 minutes until clear .
26 Dagarti African music and dance with evocative displays of the history and landscapes of the Commonwealth .
27 Celebrating its 10th Anniversary , the Festival will be mounting a very special weekend of traditional music , song and dance with leading performers from around Britain and Europe .
28 My mother wanted to live a posh life and have dinner parties with other rich Jews and cook gefilte fish and wear a wig and dance with fashionable rabbis at weddings , you can imagine how Dad took to that .
29 But they would enter into a five year contract and qualify for annual payments of about £30 per hectare for the maintenance of land free of non-agricultural development .
30 With practice this skill becomes instinctive and you do n't have to think about your sailing — you can just switch yourself to ‘ automatic pilot ’ and concentrate on other aspects of the race .
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