Example sentences of "and [vb base] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Alarmed , they drop quickly and remain suspended at the end of fine silk-like threads .
2 They had also seen migratory birds in the sky directly above the paralysis , suddenly stop and remain suspended in the air .
3 Necks and bodies are paired up very early on and remain paired throughout the whole of the production process , ensuring compatibility , good fit and finish .
4 We share that judgement and intend to continue with the passage of the Bill . ’
5 Enter The Miser , Moliere 's play about greed and deceit revolving around the avarice of old scoundrel Harpagon .
6 We wake and sleep according to the sun 's cycle , and research is showing that celestial rhythms still control many other areas of our life .
7 They became involved in dismantling pipework , hydro testing and flange testing on the Eagle platform .
8 Anyone acting out of character worried her in this way , until she had had a silent time alone , to work it out and grow used to the change .
9 Just before noon George heard his mother 's pony and trap coming down the road .
10 I spot a pony and trap running along the coast road and point it out to my son who is interested in such things .
11 In other words , pre-exposure to the stimulus may both retard the acquisition of the CS-US association and act to interfere with the retrieval of the information embodied in this association when it comes to a test trial .
12 I am making plans for a series of visits to all parts of the country and hope to return to the north-east in the midst of those plans .
13 It was a strange sound , that united wail — continuous , pitiful , strong — like a great sigh or murmur of vague desire and hope issuing from the heart of despair , piercing the gloom and murky atmosphere of that vaulted room , and reaching to the heart of God .
14 He sheathed his dagger , whispered to Ranulf and Maltote to wait at the top of the alleyway , and knocked gently on the shop door .
15 Giving a bellow of pain and rage , Raimundo jumped a foot in the air and let go of the pony , who took off , jerking to a halt as the slack of the rope ran out .
16 Cut the salmon into thinnish steaks , arrange them in one layer in a well-buttered baking dish , sprinkle them with salt and seasonings , add about I oz. of fresh butter , cut in pieces , for every pound of salmon , cover the dish with buttered paper and a lid , and put to cook in the centre of a moderately heated oven , gas no. 3 , 330 F. In 45 to 50 minutes — a little more or less according to the thickness of the steaks — the salmon will be cooked .
17 It all but sunk Pompey and put United on the crest of the wave .
18 But since her captivity , a babel seethed around her constantly , the cries and demands of Sycorax , the commands of the men on guard over her , the hammering and planing of the pales for the stockade and for the settlers ' other plans ; the shouts of the men from the boat-building on the beach , the barking of orders to bondsmen brought from England on the ship that had returned , the yells of slaves whom they had loaded in Dahomey or Yoruba on the journey back , and roped and chained and put to work under the whip , and the bellowing laughter now and then of the overseer , a tall African who had been taken out of chains himself to hold the lash over his fellows .
19 My Lady Dedlock ( who is childless ) , looking out in the early twilight from her boudoir at a keeper 's lodge , and seeing the light of a fire upon the latticed panes , and smoke rising from the chimney , and a child , chased by a woman , running out into the rain to meet the shining figure of a wrapped-up man coming through the gate , has been put quite out of temper .
20 Nasty gases and smoke disperse into the ether ; sewage eventually floats out to sea .
21 When he refused , Mr Reynolds climbed off the engine and watched it fall through the bridge on to the car , steam and smoke erupting from the cab as it did so .
22 Cleared by the military Ohakea Control to climb into their airspace I coaxed a Grumman AA5 up to 11,000 feet , to look down into the crater lake of Mount Ruapehu , 9,175 feet high , to see steam and smoke coming from the crater within the torn and shattered peak of 6,517 foot Mount Tongariro ( whose last major eruption was only a dozen or so years back ) and to fly around the perfectly symmetrical cone of Mount Ngauruhoe .
23 You go through and stand listening to the rain and the wind , and — just audible — the noise of a man breathing slowly and rhythmically in the bed .
24 The cluster I found particularly er important and so like yourself the Aldershot method and structured thought patterns er the cluster was important er because as you say when people have got nerves they need to get some basic guidelines for overcoming the problem er we all tend to put our hands in our pockets and stand rooted to the spot and all the rest of it but there are ways of overcoming it , it 's just a matter of practice erm the Aldershot method is er obviously a very effective method erm if you get into the habit of doing it in threes er erm you see every day you use the news at ten news at ten analogy obviously
25 In Salman Rushdie 's The Satanic Verses , two Indian men , Farishta and Chamcha , fall out of an aeroplane and hang suspended in the air before landing on the shore of Britain , where they begin to reconstruct their identities .
26 Unless they become tribesmen when they acquire national membership they will lack those affiliations and loyalties below the level of nation which are identical in kind to national loyalty , and which sustain and give meaning to the existence of born Libyans : a system which derives nationhood from family and tribe does not easily accommodate immigrants .
27 ( Ullman 's work is thus closer to the spirit of Kant , and may be thought of as an attempt to articulate the intuitions and categories of space which structure and give meaning to the input stimulus . )
28 In their second year these children become able to walk , they leave the hut and begin to participate in the life outside .
29 They walk up the cleft in the hills beside the stream and begin to climb above the valley .
30 As understood by Schutz , ‘ recipes ’ are standardized guide-lines for behaviour which are adopted as a matter of course , and vary depending upon the type of situation .
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