Example sentences of "and [det] [vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are other aspects of early settlement not easily appreciated and these relate particularly to the major river valleys of the Thames , Severn , Warwickshire Avon and Trent which are the sources of extensive supplies of gravel .
2 At the edge of the eyes are a pair of long spines , and these point downwards at a steep angle , at very awkward attitude for resting comfortably on the sea floor .
3 The information system is classified according to 14 problem categories ( Figure 5.2 , excluding categories 7.4 and 15 ) and these correspond directly to the enquiry statistics described in Chapter 2 ( Figure 2.1 ) .
4 These therefore were the formations which it had been ruled were eligible for repatriation , and these correspond directly to the four remaining groups of the original six the " Ataman Group " referring to Domanov 's Cossacks , which included two Atamans , Domanov and Krasnov ; von Pannwitz 's 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps ; the " Res Units of Lt Gen Shkuro " , meaning Shkuro 's Cossack Training Unit ; and the " Caucasians , incl Mussulmen " , including Georgian and other Christians and Moslems from Azerbaidjan .
5 In the meantime , you can continue to do hand work in the quiet moments and these serve also as the time to embellish your quickly-made basic garments .
6 Second , part and parcel of the internal debates about the constitution of the Labour Party are larger debates about the limits and problems of the British constitution and these spill over into a case for reconstructing the British constitution itself in order to fashion a different kind of democracy and a third road to socialism .
7 The female emperor moth puffs her sexual perfumes out from her abdomen , and these carry downwind in an expanding cone .
8 ‘ Fucking squaddie culture , yeah ; adoration of the fucking Maggie and pit bulls and getting some scoff down your neck and let's get pissed on lager and all moon together from the bus and camouflage jackets in the high street and yeah-well-I'm-inarestid-in-martial-arts-in't-I ?
9 The peninsula is peaceful and pretty now , and many go there for a gentle but gastronomic tour .
10 They say nine out of ten women have problems in learning to feed , and many give up in the first weeks .
11 Both continue to COOPERATE until the end of the game , and both end up with the full 100 per cent ‘ benchmark ’ score of 600 points .
12 I suspect that one day , you 'll both learn to look where you 're going and both move out of the way .
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