Example sentences of "and [det] [noun pl] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here sizes start at 12 and some clothes come in an unequivocally large 28 .
2 Taffeta , pile fabrics and some dupions fall into the latter category .
3 Other fairs take place throughout the year and some suppliers show at the London International Book Fair .
4 And some journalists work for the paper read by the people who think this country should be run by another country ( The Morning Star ) .
5 Dioxins from the process may be discharged in factory effluent and some traces remain in the paper goods themselves .
6 The delays are always measured in years , and some plaintiffs die in the interim .
7 The release of the husband from his obligations under the mortgage ( as in Precedent 5 ) will not release him from the covenants for title implied under s76(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 by his having charged the property as beneficial owner ( The Conveyancer , 1982 , p252 ) ; this lack of complete release however is necessary for the mortgagee so that it still has the covenant for further assurance in the event that a defect in title becomes apparent and some mortgagees insist on a specific covenant to this effect .
8 This division of labour by artefact type epitomises attitudes towards archaeology generally at that time , and such divisions have to a large extent persisted to this day , emphasising how artefact-based early Anglo-Saxon studies have remained .
9 So organizations are also about love and hate and anger and disappointment and disillusionment , and these emotions intervene in the neat logic of effort , performance and reward .
10 And then , though in varying degrees , you can see or hear these specific kinds of work : relatively easily if they are specific forms of your own culture ; with more difficulty , and sometimes with absolute difficulty , if they are forms of some other , especially remote culture , or if your own culture is deeply divided and these forms come from an area that is strange to you .
11 And these conditions apply from the first of April of this year .
12 Thus as the radical reacts , the received electron charge opens the ring between the sulphur atoms , and these atoms bond to the metal .
13 Tickets priced £5 are available from Surf Mountain , Brunswick Street and all proceeds go to the Irish Himalayan Trust .
14 Carrying spare batteries could be a cheaper option to fast charging and all chargers rely on a power point anyway .
15 Fitting the system is a fairly simple matter and all components come on a frame which can be simply attached to most sprayers .
16 The other degenerate case in which can also be transformed to a Schwarzschild space-time but , in this case , the interaction region corresponds to the upper region inside the horizon and all trajectories end in the future singularity .
17 Unfortunately , not enough thought is put into this area and many editors complain about the lack of creativity displayed in the ideas put to them .
18 Lawyers , accountants , engineers , physiotherapists and many others come within the scope of this Directive .
19 Those are some of the reasons why I and many others support Save The Children and thank you Patricia Routledge for talking to us today , it was a pleasure listening to you .
20 The Knightley Way skirts its western edge and many footpaths meander through the trees .
21 Joan and Jack enjoy meeting their guests and many breakfasts stretch into the mid-morning as new friendships are made .
22 It certainly draws heavily upon Thomas 's memories of people and incidents from his youth and early student days and many similarities exist between the bookish Mr Torrance and Mr Noble .
23 Today , more and more women swear by a special remedy for feminine itching .
24 I think as chemists we would be glad to see more and more women come into the subject .
25 The list of species is growing as more and more animals adapt to the urban commons .
26 New rolling stock , reopened lines and stations and more passengers testify to the extent of the exorcism .
27 More and more rackets come onto the market as technology moves on .
28 In other words , the process of interaction between policy system and environment is a very active one , and those interactions occur across an ambiguous and shifting boundary .
29 St George is seen to slay a twin-headed dragon : on the one head is a hammer and sickle , on the other a dollar sign , and both heads emerge from a body bearing the Star of David .
30 The females are ovo-viviparous , and most eggs hatch in the trachea .
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