Example sentences of "and [det] [be] [adv] [art] case " in BNC.

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1 So it was believed that a pronunciation change in one word would be followed by changes in all similar words — that there are laws of language evolution — and that is generally the case .
2 We have spoken about old partners as if they will always have had a long life together and that is indeed the case in many of the pairs whom we currently encounter .
3 And that 's largely a case of bad communication .
4 You can sometimes discern quality in an instrument immediately upon picking it up and that 's certainly the case here .
5 And that 's certainly the case inside the mining industry .
6 Sometimes it 's just because we want our curiosity satisfied , and that was obviously the case with Nicodemus .
7 From this definition , assignments of choses in action are excluded and this is also the case with money .
8 At this stage in the play , Anderson displays concern not to infringe the Politeness Principle and this is also the case in scene eight .
9 You 're waiting and you 're thinking Er and this is particularly the case with a large goods vehicle , you 'll be sitting waiting to go and there 's a lovely gap and you think Can I ?
10 And this is certainly the case with the distinction between formal and informal means of social control .
11 If the price of a money market instrument rises then the yield falls , and this is indeed the case with bankers ' acceptances , which are normally cheaper than straight cash advances , even allowing for the fact that interest is paid upfront .
12 In these areas we should not expect to find deserted , shrunken or moved villages , but the equivalent for hamlets and farms , and this is indeed the case with hundreds of such sites identified on Dartmoor and in west Somerset , for example ; this will be discussed further in Chapter 7 .
13 4.3 Once again , our interpretation has consequences for grammaticality and linguistic form which match observable data : First , it implies , inter alia , that adjectives which can not be ascribed to the entity of the noun phrase — such as the associatives — will be unacceptable here , just as they are in postnominal attributive position , and this is indeed the case : ( 19 ) how did the Ministry send their expert ? they sent their expert well-briefed they sent their expert meteorological ( 20 ) how do you find the new flag ? we find the flag gaudy we find the flag national
14 However where possible , eg. if there are several hours to wait before your return flight , and this is often the case in low season , a room will be made available for changing and storing hand luggage .
15 The main attraction of B&B is that it has always been far cheaper than hotels and this is still the case .
16 And this is still the case with older folk .
17 Any short cuts will be found out eventually , and this is usually the case with an older horse requiring re-schooling .
18 After one year , one would expect that out of these five those in the action sample would be happier than those in the control about the continued home care ; and this was clearly the case .
19 It emerged that in the magistrates ' courts the distribution of sentences did not differ greatly between Blacks and Whites , and this was also the case in the Crown Court .
20 The second area where Teetotalism strengthened the Anglo-American bond lay in visits between leaders from both countries and this was especially the case with the Rev. Lyman Beecher who visited England in 1846 and stayed with the publisher , John Cassell , in his St John s Wood house .
21 In 1973 the UK had the smallest dependence on EC markets of any of the nine EC members , and this was still the case ten years later .
22 Tasks representative of criterion 2a would be expected to be more demanding than those for 1a and this was indeed the case .
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