Example sentences of "and [det] [prep] [art] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Aristotle noted a distinction between income from the public land and that from the citizens ' private estates .
2 On 31 March 1937 a dividend of 20 per cent was declared free of tax and each of the respondent 's children received £40 .
3 And each of the places er where we got the supply of tins , er we had a little van that went out to deliver the tins and we delighted as boys , going out , carrying the two tins er into the place .
4 The issue in this case is whether an original lessee , or an intermediate assignee of a lease , who has given a direct covenant to pay the rent and observe the covenants , is released from liability following an agreement between the lessor and the occupying assignee of the lease under which the lessor takes a surrender of the lease and some of the assignee 's goods in return for releasing the assignee from all claims under the lease ?
5 If the bonnie banks of Scotland were to open their accounts to the world , there would be a run on the pound and some of the country 's most famous clubs would collapse with embarrassment .
6 As state Premier between 1983 and 1988 , Burke had established a strategy known as Western Australia Incorporated — a partnership between the state government and some of the country 's leading entrepreneurs , which had resulted in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars of public money and the establishment of a Royal Commission to investigate the affair .
7 The programme aims to raise awareness of the importance of lowland heath , which provides a habitat for a unique range of often rare plants and animals , including all six of England 's reptile species and some of the country 's rarest birds , such as the Dartford warbler and nightjar .
8 There are many examples of Englishmen at the University of Paris before 1340 , and some of the king 's clerks most active in Anglo-French diplomacy had studied there .
9 The first of these stages was much the most important , for despite the promulgation of the Nazimov Rescript a betting man would not have laid money , at the end of 1857 , on the proposition that peasants were going to acquire both freedom from manorial jurisdiction and some of the landlords ' property .
10 The man 's shako had a red , white and blue cockade , and some of the shako 's overlapping brass plates were missing from its leather chin-strap .
11 The instruments do n't have the same clarity as the Calibra 's and some of the Corrado 's switches are masked by the wheel .
12 The shoot was waylaid by litigation , however , after Mr Kluge 's Irish and British gamekeepers were convicted of killing hundreds of protected hawks and owls — and some of the neighbours ' dogs — in an authentic effort to keep the game alive for the pleasure of the guests .
13 It works for Royal Mail and some of the nation 's leading freight carriers , including Lynx , TNT and Parcel Line .
14 Now the problem with that model of proceeding is that you then end up with you can end up with the exploitation of complain procedures for a wide variety of , not all of which you want to countenance , and some of the universities ' and colleges ' experience of trying to run complaint procedures in connection with sexual harassment has been deciding when to try to cool someone down and when a complaint is someone that should be run along with .
15 Nearby , on a small , marshy , mosquito-ridden island called Mactan — the site of Cebu airport , and some of the region 's hundreds of guitar factories — there is a simple memorial ( looked after by a caretaker with the improbably contradictory name of Jesus Baring ) of which more later .
16 It was , and is , a vast , sparsely populated plain with countless lakes and some of the world 's mightiest rivers , rivers which had to be crossed , but above all it has trees , mile after mile after mile of primeval forest , called the taiga , which , even today , is inhabited by tigers , bears and wolves .
17 Even where a household is categorized as a farming household there is a high probability that family members will be employed outside the farming sector and much of the household 's income will also be drawn from outside it .
18 ( It will be clear that PHOTOGRAPHY NOW gives no special favouritism to work from Britain — but our belief that work here is at a very impressive pitch of creativity is echoed internationally , judging from the exhibitions and other attention from around the world , and much of the Museum 's collection can be found in the Aperture publication BRITISH PHOTOGRAPHY : TOWARDS A BIGGER PICTURE , published in New York in November 1988 ) . "
19 Ex-employees have to make a living and much of the ex-employee 's skill will involve what he learnt whilst in his previous employment , thus providing the courts with a dilemma .
20 Within a few years of closure , the mill pond was filled in and much of the mill 's machinery removed .
21 Currently some 28,000 co-operative farms and 2,600,000 ejidatarios accounted for half of all arable land but contributed only a small percentage of gross national income , and much of the country 's food was imported .
22 The capital , Colombo , and much of the island 's recent prosperity are in the Western Province .
23 The perception of shape and pattern in apparently disorderly ( but dynamic and mobile ) things is usually mentioned with reference to visual perception , and it is commented on in the sciences and the arts alike : it is prominent , for example , in the notebooks of the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins ( J. Milroy , 1977 ) , in his careful descriptions of cloud formations , waterfalls and other dynamic phenomena , and much of the poet 's imagery depends on a kind of ‘ observer 's paradox ’ ( rather different from the familiar Labov version ) , through which a dynamic phenomenon can nonetheless appear to have stable shapes and patterns within it and , conversely , a static phenomenon may appear to contain mobility .
24 Many of the support staff , especially clerical workers , found other jobs in London and many of the company 's married women employees opted to take redundancy rather than relocate as their husband 's employment was in the London area .
25 This building has an entrance opening directly into the farmyard and many of the farm 's activities , such as manure collection , would have been concentrated in this area .
26 The signalling system is outdated , customer information is inadequate , and many of the business 's 1,478 stations need renovation .
27 And many of the world 's most stable firms are heavily in debt .
28 From the mumbo-jumbo mysteries of the ‘ Bermuda Triangle ’ to the ‘ I-was abducted-by-aliens ’ blitherings , such Danikenesque ideas are a broadside ( albeit badly aimed ) to the principles of science and many of the world 's religions .
29 Abseiling is the most dangerous single thing mountaineers do and many of the world 's greatest climbers have been killed abseiling .
30 It was about a multifaceted international industry in which the volume car manufacturers and many of the world 's biggest companies slogged out an international marketing campaign .
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