Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Since any further delay would limit the use of this space for this season the chairman went ahead and arranged for the work to be carried out .
2 Since any further delay would limit the use of this space for this season the chairman went ahead and arranged for the work to be carried out .
3 He called the RAC once more and arranged for the car to be taken to the edge of Brighton .
4 Bigwig went a little way down the run and stopped at the entrance to a large burrow .
5 ( These outcomes had already appeared in draft outline in the earlier Guidelines , but were now modified and revised following the response to consultation . )
6 Finally , he had held out a bunch of one-dollar bills to her , said ‘ Rent , ’ and without another word had vaulted over the veranda balustrade and loped down the path to the garage .
7 Penguin Books has issued an eighth revised edition of Sir John Summerson 's Architecture in Britain 1530–1830 , first published in 1953 and intended as a companion to Ellis Waterhouse 's Painting in Britain 1530–1830 and Margaret Whinney 's Sculpture in Britain which covers the same period .
8 One of the reasons why Napoleon wished to retain close supervision of France 's foreign policy was his understanding of the difficulties which would arise once he began to probe the weaknesses of the European system established in 1815 and designed as a check to French ambition .
9 Crow Wood was empty for most of this century , remote and forgotten between the roads to Easby and Ingleby .
10 When he was just a few weeks old , he was stolen from his mother and carried through the bush to the side of a main road .
11 It is essential for normal growth and is secreted by the pituitary and carried in the blood to all parts of the body ( Chapter 10 ) .
12 A hemp rope was attached to one end of a long pole , usually of larch , and wound round the wood to be turned .
13 Why , by the time Prince Richard is fifteen and considered of an age to really marry , I shall be eighteen .
14 ‘ Far from being invalidated by the fact that , for instance , a perfect balance of power policy will scarcely be found in reality , it assumes that reality , being deficient in this respect , must be understood and evaluated as an approximation to an ideal system of balance of power .
15 Such applications are to be made in such form as the board may prescribe , by the applicant or his agent , and lodged with the clerk to the licensing hoard at least five weeks before the first day of the meeting at which the application falls to be considered ( subs .
16 The job descriptions of the 4 Clerical Assistants in the banking area of the Collection Section will be reviewed and re-evaluated with a view to bringing them into line with other posts within the ring fence if possible , that is the consolidation of the new technology allowance .
17 At seven-thirty he got out of the car with a flashlight and pushed through the undergrowth to a nearby stream .
18 In the salon where they were all sitting after dinner over glasses of brandy and half-finished cups of coffee , the first courageous guest rose to his feet and bowed with a smile to the lady of the house .
19 I sat up , removed the camouflage square from around my head and crawled to the entrance to the trench .
20 I took the steps in big bounds and pelted across the asphalt to the school gates .
21 The findings of the research will be presented in various academic and non-academic publications and written in a manner to be relevant to those engaged in executive and occupational re-training .
22 Peter Beneventanus Collivaccinus ' Collection , known as the Compilatio Tertia , was both approved and commended by the pope to the masters and scholars of Bologna for use " as much in judgments as in the schools " .
23 The terms laid out in Resolution 686 were accepted by Iraq on March 3 , as announced on Baghdad radio and conveyed in a letter to the UN from Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz .
24 This is where the rim of the leather upper is turned outwards at the bottom and stitched through the midsoles to the sole .
25 The displays show how Northamptonshire Ironstone was quarried , and transported to the blastfurnaces to be made into iron .
26 I told me mum about it and she said we ca n't be having that and got on the phone to the doctor , but he would n't even come out and he took me off the [ practice 's ] list .
27 Equally , training and development is based on the formulation of the current situation being diagnosed against stated outcomes and used as a vehicle to ‘ close the gap ’ in individual and organisational terms .
28 What may be unusual is my conviction that constitutional change , a reordering of the formal arrangements of political power and the nature of the British State , is a precondition for the achievement of the other changes , and that demands for this change may well be the vehicle through which other aspects of the strategy are developed and used as a stimulus to political action .
29 However , such hypotheses are expected to emerge from the research as it goes along , rather than be specified from the start and used as a guide to the kind of data that is sought and collected .
30 A good example is the purchase of components or sub-assemblies for incorporation in apparatus manufactured and sold by the buyer to third parties .
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