Example sentences of "and [vb past] me [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 Jack and two others who had witnessed the performance , found me and piloted me back to the warmth and safety of the ski-cabin .
2 His master closed his book and invited me politely to the table .
3 He asked if I was in trouble and drove me back to the car park , where he produced a tow-rope .
4 I remember she crouched down and lifted me on to the table .
5 Instead of getting someone to calm me down and talk to me , a whole bunch of them came and jumped on me and rushed me down to the block and left me there .
6 A Corporal appeared and beckoned me through to the kitchen ; he was taller and thinner than the other one and his arms were covered with rough tattoos executed in Indian ink ; on his right forearm were the words , ( My courage for my father , my heart for my mother , my prick for a whore ) .
7 When I left , my place was taken by a dog : ‘ He took me over completely , and came everywhere but to Church with me , and saw me back to the hotel at night .
8 Finally a soldier arrived and took me back to the Star Room .
9 Irena produced a suit from somewhere — I had nothing appropriate to wear and the Czechs dress up to go out — and on a cold wet evening Miroslav , who once behind his bassoon could n't stop smiling , dragged me in off Red Army Square where I 'd been waiting under an umbrella watching a group of Czech soldiers trying to stand up , and escorted me up to the balcony of the Fucik Hall to watch the performance .
10 He took me in his arms and carried me downstairs to the library , where he put me in front of the fire , and gave me a glass of wine .
11 And then , with a kind of war whoop , he picked me up under the armpits and carried me out to the choir waiting outside .
12 He was looking at me as if he really hated me ; he seized me by the shoulders and pushed me over to the bathroom mirror .
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