Example sentences of "and [vb past] like [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was the morning of Emilia Frere 's departure from the Hall and for a few minutes Louisa found herself alone with the Rector , who fingered the brim of his hat and beamed like the milky sun outside .
2 I indicated my chest and made like the Happy Wanderer up and down the terrace .
3 The huge drops were so close together that they reflected the light , and the rain billowed and rippled like a silver-white curtain .
4 He was changed since his days at Lancaster 's court ; with all his polish and scholarship , which neither time nor place could tarnish , he had nevertheless shed all the cramping tensions of city life , and moved like a young stag , long-stepping in motion and magnificently abandoned in repose .
5 He kept it , he told himself , to give back to her when she was kind and behaved like a proper wire .
6 It looked , and sounded , and played like the real animal .
7 and genuflected like a little Quasimodo ,
8 Get help , ’ and then he scrambled up the bank and raced like a wild thing , screaming now , ‘ Bernard !
9 She shimmered and shone like a precious jewel , a princess .
10 Athelstan glowered back in mock anger whilst she turned and skipped like a young girl into the church .
11 You could forgive Debby Cumming for being a not-so-youthful Alice as she stomped and skipped like the naughtiest girl in the class .
12 We were in line with the Craven fault it seemed and in an electric storm the tower and all its domestic equipment spat and sizzled like a jumping cracker .
13 Haverford fanned himself with his panama hat and wheezed like a rusty concertina .
14 Mrs Bennett was standing in the hall when she entered the front door , beady-eyed and flustered like an angry hen .
15 Whole concepts , whole reorganizations of thought swam drunkenly through her head , and lurched and revolved like the drowned woman and her orange : she no longer knew what gardens and houses were for , and their distinctions , once clear , had grown confused .
16 Beneath me the Thames lassooed and pulsed like a human brain , sending signals , slipping veil after veil as if a heavier liquid had been sent to slide across its face of water , leaving no doubt that rivers are living things .
17 His palms were sweating , his forehead was wet and itching , he felt shivery , his voice was shaky and his heart was beating fast ; they were cooking , him with the Microwave Gun , bathing him in its evil radiations , heating him up so that he broke out in a lathering sweat and looked like a nervous kid .
18 As there were so few Asians in our part of London it could hardly have been anyone else , but the person had a scarf over most of his face and looked like a nervous bank robber who could n't find a bank .
19 They arrived a good hour before most of the Californian sun-kissed audience and looked like a pale gang of spotty oik kids playing their hearts out .
20 They arrived a good hour before most of the Californian sun-kissed audience and looked like a pale gang of spotty oik kids playing their hearts out .
21 He was barefoot and wearing a black brocade dressing-gown and looked like a Chinese Emperor .
22 She was wearing pale green dungarees , soaked with muddy water , and looked like an untidy acolyte performing priestly duties in the priest 's absence .
23 The snoring rose and fell like an ill-tuned orchestra , interrupted by the curses of those who , like herself , could not sleep .
24 The land bucked and heaved like a terrified horse and a storm of baleful magic raced over the land .
25 She reluctantly held out her hand , palm upwards , and felt like a naughty schoolgirl who 'd misbehaved in class .
26 From what she 'd gleaned from Janine he came and went like a bloody ghost , flitting in and out as it suited him .
27 John of Gaunt looked up abruptly and stared like a hungry cat at Athelstan , his eyes yellow , hard and unblinking .
28 Before the storm broke he fell into a sleep so peaceful and deep that he heard nothing of the thunder crashing overhead or of the rush of waters as the lake filled and spread and crept and grew like a living thing .
29 She thought of all the wicked things he had done and her anger grew and grew like a dark flower opening inside her .
30 I could see the fear and terror in your eyes when you gripped my arm and sobbed like a young child .
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