Example sentences of "and [vb past] the [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 At Harwell laboratories , they 've been monitoring air pollution and found the levels went up during the recent hot spell .
2 Impatiently , Ted went outside with a brush and prodded the eaves to drive out any birds that might be disturbing his peace .
3 It gave excessive salivation , pains in the belly , and caused the teeth to drop out .
4 This is an indication that the weight has moved off the back part of the board and allowed the rails to dig in further forwards .
5 The Doctor recoiled in shock and threw the barriers back up around his mind .
6 Just the same , Wyss found himself sliding , and sensed the others sliding back too , and nothing could stop them .
7 As Christmas approached and the weather became colder , Faustina assumed her pear-shaped winter body and spent the evenings curled up in her basket by the boiler in the kitchen , while Sophia stirred various mixtures stiff with fruit and nuts and laced with brandy .
8 Browne J. reviewed the authorities and followed the principles set out in Gillian .
9 Jazz switched the television off and came outside with them and they kicked a tin-can round the field a bit and then sat on some dumped oil-drums and watched the lights come on along the front and smoked a cigarette and reflected on their fate .
10 We stopped the car somewhere near Richmond Park , off the main road ; we smoked and watched the headlights go by .
11 Not a muscle of Nan 's face moved , her stroke never faltered as she brushed and watched the flakes fall down on the newspaper she had spread beneath .
12 Just over five and a half years later , I stood on the same spot and watched the Israelis drive down the same road to be greeted in precisely the same way by the same Christians on the same balconies .
13 Seton halted further profitless talk and sent the emissaries hurrying back with a single cannon-shot above their heads .
14 That was to the tune of 38–3 in an Arms Park qualifying match and sent the Dragons tumbling out of the World Cup .
15 I toiled through Latin for a course requirement because meteorology had too much maths in it , and felt the conjugations sluicing out of my brain the instant the exam was over .
16 With a feeling of relief , she let go , and felt the tears run down her cheeks .
17 He could sense her there behind him and felt the hairs rise along his spine and at the back of his neck .
18 There was a shrieking in her ears , so vibratingly shrill that for an instant she thought it was the whole Glass Castle shivering to pieces — then she looked up and saw the Women sweeping down on them , screaming their war cry .
19 ‘ I went to the front of the house and saw the dogs catch up with him and knock him to the ground .
20 And did the lads turn out to be very nice ?
21 I also think it is time politicians stopped trying to interfere in the everyday affairs of education , and left the professionals to get on with it .
22 People nicked the records and left the mags clogging up WH Smith 's shelves .
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