Example sentences of "and [vb past] [that] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But they also said the Jews would have a homeland in Palestine and agreed that when the war ended the French would control Syria and what was then called Mount Lebanon .
2 I went to the alpine Club library in London and found that while the mountain does n't have the drama of the Matterhorn or the Eiger , there had been a lot of activity on it in the Golden Age .
3 He arranged the pictures used in advertising into some fifty categories and found that whilst a representation of men and women embracing was most common there were no representatives at all of people at work .
4 Home Office researcher Simon Field studied 40 years of statistics and found that when the temperature rose a few degrees Celsius above normal :
5 A friend of mine once returned to her house after a few month 's absence and found that though the font of her desk looked exactly the same as before she left , termites had eaten out the back of it and destroyed the contents of several drawers .
6 A leading article described the CNAA process as ‘ sticky and demanding ’ and believed that when the Council finally approved diversified courses in the colleges they would find the efforts to have been beneficial .
7 Bhutto responded by dismissing charges of corruption as a " slander campaign " , and declared that although the President 's call for fresh elections constituted a " smokescreen " , her party would " go to the people " if required .
8 J. C. E. Roberts , welcomed all present and remarked that although the Society had only been in existence for a few months , much had already been done and the Society had a firm foundation on which to build .
9 It claimed that some trees might have been listed as endangered through insufficient data , and decided that if the report were published , it could adversely affect efforts to sell species " mistakenly " included on the list .
10 He had seen Caballeros make his 3 and knew that unless the Spaniard cracked he would need to finish with two birdies himself .
11 Dr Schussler , who had a particular interest in physiology , considered that a number of diseases were due to a deficiency of one or more of these salts and thought that if a patient exhibited the symptoms of a remedy — for instance Natrum muriaticum — there was a deficiency of this salt in the patient 's body .
12 We listened and learned that if the church is to grow it must consider all its resources !
13 He claimed repair works were urgent and said that although the public had responded magnificently , councils and businesses had not followed suit , with the exception of ICI which had given £500 .
14 The Economist of Feb. 29 noted that enterprises were selling dollars in increasing amounts , and suggested that although the shortage of rouble notes was a major reason for the rise in the rouble 's value , monetary pressure could also be a factor .
15 He stressed that the decision did not affect the proprietary rights of the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu , and emphasized that if a change in law was required to make the policy effective , this would need the full approval of the legislature .
16 The Court of Appeal readily allowed new evidence to be admitted and held that since the risk to jobs did not appear to be a major factor in the dispute , it seemed unlikely that the union would be able to bring itself within the definition of a trade dispute and so the injunction should be granted .
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