Example sentences of "and [vb past] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At last a long despairing cry rose from the back of his throat and screamed shatteringly across the churchyard as he threw the baton away and clung sobbing to the angel .
2 She was rescued by James Spicer , a vice-chairman of the Party , and led blinking into the foyer .
3 Well when you collected the dues er it meant taking it up to the office every Monday and when you got up to the office and got talking to the officials and such like the interest became greater and er it developed from there that er the workers of thought they should have er should have a representative on the committee .
4 The detour was to Holmstroyd and involved stopping at the jetty .
5 A vast circle of storm clouds hugged the ground and rose towering into the air , so they seemed becalmed on the inside edge of a massive mauve funnel through the swirling walls of which Trent could make out , to the south , a thin line of greater darkness that he knew must be the rain forest bordering the Makaa River .
6 Once his parents were able to reassure him that his mummy had been very ill for a while but now she was better but had to take medicine he became a much easier boy to handle and stopped urinating on the carpet .
7 The crossbow bolt whirred out , nicking the hindquarters of the second dog , which turned and fled howling into the darkness .
8 Although it said that he would be ‘ interrogated and tried according to the country 's law ’ , to AI 's knowledge no formal charges have been brought against him in court .
9 He filled the kettle and set it on the hob , then went through to the front room , closed the shutters , and tried radioing on the frequency Caspar had given him for the US Embassy in Belpan City .
10 When Rosa had taken the tray Luce picked up the crutch and practised hobbling round the bedroom .
11 It was lovely to watch , the effortless , rhythmic flowing of the horse 's limbs and then Punch turned his mount and came thudding towards the road .
12 ‘ He jumped out and came galloping down the street , waving a sort of a club .
13 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
14 And yet it may still be true that he came within minutes of Jerome 's flight , found the man only stunned , stooped close and knew him , for then knowing was possible , and killed him , and only then took thought how to escape suspicion , and came running into the town , to me . ’
15 A boy sitting on a wall fell off backwards and came running round the end of the wall a moment later saying , ‘ What have I missed ?
16 It turned in at the gate and came chuntering up the track to pull up beside them .
17 They watched in silence until he came closer , then , as he swooped between the grey walls of the drawbridge and came clattering into the courtyard over cobblestones that were now covered only by a thin film of slush , Marc deliberately removed his arm from around her waist .
18 On seeing the car , she rose immediately and came tripping down the drive to unlock the tall iron gates .
19 Vapours made the light from the bedside lamps unsteady and caused suffering to the roses in vases all around .
20 Whereupon he tried it stante pede , shoved the stool away and played standing at the organ , at the same time working the pedal , and doing it all as if he had been practising it for several months .
21 Very slowly and deliberately Isambard slipped his feet clear of the stirrups and leaned forward as if to swing himself out of the saddle , but in the act he jabbed home hard into the beast 's side with his right spur , and drove him not forward , but flinching sidelong into the bushes in a wild leap ; and leaning both hands on the pommel of his saddle he vaulted out of it and dropped crashing into the bushes almost on top of Owen .
22 Overshooting its intended target , the flare cartridge smashed into the bole of a tree on the far edge of the clearing , burst into blazing life and dropped sputtering to the ground , giving off clouds of acrid green smoke .
23 It made at least one of their co-defendants uncomfortable and risked ticking off the judge by appearing to play fast and loose with the legal system .
24 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia was diagnosed and graded according to the criteria of the World Health Organisation .
25 Mallards , coots and moorhens could often be seen and heard waddling about the housing estate where I lived or sometimes even boldly marching up the high street .
26 I took a lot of time off , always after the indoor season , and returned smiling in the summer .
27 Adherents of the second school bewail Britain 's poor economic performance and diminished standing in the world , which they attribute in large measure to the lack of relevance in much that is taught in colleges .
28 Antony grinned in resignation at Connon and began searching for the tablecloth .
29 He dropped my wrists and began picking at the bread , rolling bits of it into little grey balls .
30 When she emerged , she responded with a grunt to Melissa 's , ‘ Good morning , ’ and began wrestling with the bar that controlled the window shutters .
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