Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] [to-vb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To his embarrassment he realised he had an erection and moved quickly to place a copy of the Teheran Times on his lap before the stewardess reached his row .
2 He had already interviewed Norman Tebbit about his exclusion from the afternoon 's debate on Europe — ' ’ Diabolical liberty ’ , says Norman , in conference outrage' — and tried unsuccessfully to have a word with Sir Charles Webb-Bowen .
3 To his credit , Parrott ignored the 16 points loss and nibbled away to put a game on the scoreboard by a 73–48 margin .
4 He went back home and returned later to make a watercolour of it .
5 He chose vanguard revolutionary activity rather than the programmatic socialism of the Independent Labour Party , and began both to preach a doctrine of strikes to break the capitalist system , and to teach the Marxism of Das Kapital at open classes in Glasgow halls .
6 He said nothing ; he put the phone down and walked away to get a bus .
7 The bill is shaken laterally , it is lowered into the water and raised suddenly to lift a plume of water , the bird rises vertically in the water , and it then settles again and shakes its tail from side to side .
8 A mile above the shepherd 's hut the hillsides ceased their upward rolling and curved together to form a dead-end valley of broad-breasted slopes five miles from the nearest tarmac road , hidden deep in the folds of the moors .
9 The Millwall brick , for example , was a newspaper folded again and again and squashed together to form a cosh .
10 He motioned them both back to their seats and strode across to open a door but Maggie noticed that he also closed it behind him very firmly .
11 The doctor wished to remove a lymph gland for examination , to verify HTLV3 , but I refused to allow this despite considerable pressure and went instead to see a homeopath .
12 Michael Banks grinned and went across to have a word with Lesley-Jane .
13 and er , they were coming up and went across to get a drink of lemonade and it was a bloody hot day , really , you know a midsummer day and erm , we went across to this kind of cafe place that 's opposite the station and I saw two men with rubber boots on
14 Robyn blinked back unexpected tears and leant forward to place a log carefully on to the mound of hot red twigs .
15 Turning back , he quickly scanned the sheet again , looked up at the clock , and reached forward to slide a knob towards himself , at the same time sliding another away with the other hand — presumably fading out the music .
16 The forgoing calculations were made and represented graphically to give a return on an 8.9 per cent p.a. basis .
17 She worked as a machinist until she married my father in 1946 and chose never to have a job again .
18 The body is made from four pieces of deeply figured maple , bookmatched both front and back and bonded together to form a sort of sandwich .
19 He failed to control the ball when intercepting a pass from Chris Malkin 30 yards from goal and Pat Nevin nipped in and slipped away to guide a shot inside goalkeeper Kevin Poole and the near post .
20 He could sense her nervousness and paused deliberately to light a cigarette , as he ambled casually towards her .
21 Excitedly he tied his red neckerchief to the plant 's stem and ran home to fetch a shovel .
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