Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had taken supply teaching for a term at a nearby school and moved here to this school as a replacement teacher for the remainder of the year .
2 It is better to control them during this ‘ in-ground ’ period , the best control being achieved by watering down a solution of a chemical , one of a group with the long name ‘ chlorinated hydrocarbons ’ , and used primarily in this case on lawns as a wormkiller .
3 The essential qualities of a tenant 's fixture are that it may be removed without causing irreparable damage to the building and that it may be set up and used again in another building or place ( Webb v Bevis ( Frank ) Ltd [ 1940 ] 1 All ER 247 ; Young v Dalgety plc [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 116 ) .
4 He had businesses in the North and used regularly at this time of year at the end of the summer sales , to go the rounds of his shops , take stock , examine the books , and so on .
5 On the , on the down side , some of us felt that the , the actual heading could have been , might get picked up verbatim by a news editor and used almost in that form .
6 So I gave myself just half an hour to get to the theatre and prepare for curtain up — and phoned home at each interval .
7 Behind her back , her hands intertwined and twisted feverishly upon each other .
8 The morning of my return journey , each bag was sealed , wrapped in newspaper and sealed again in another bag .
9 For I am surprised and enchanted often by some quality which I can not detect .
10 She grimaced a smile at each of them , and nodded hurriedly at any remark directed at her .
11 The way they clapped their hands to the music , sang the words , and applauded rapturously after each number .
12 I knew he would , of course , and turned away without another word .
13 Most common , perhaps , are those cases where the person to whose rights the agent consented was misled , through the agent 's fault , into believing that the consent was valid and acted reasonably on this belief to his detriment .
14 In this time you will be reduced as far as possible to walking cannon fodder and rushed away to some hell hole .
15 Since some of the issues raised in these definitional discussions and addressed elsewhere in this volume have a bearing on the approach adopted in this paper , it is necessary to say something about them first .
16 A bit intoxicated , he thought , as she leaned away from him , pulling the dress up on her fat shoulders , and began again on some exploit of an uncle ( to him an ancestor ) already recounted during the fish course .
17 As soon as the clothing began to smoulder and glow , igniting the wood beneath , he pinched out the charred , burnt part and began again on another place .
18 Joe held out his hand , they shook hands and walked away from each other , Joe feeling that he had done what he could to save Maureen from wrecking her life and suffering years of pain but troubled by sympathy and liking for Chris .
19 The humble cottages are presided over by the tower of the venerable church of St Andrew , founded in the twelfth century but rebuilt and restored since with some sacrifice of its earlier features .
20 I have never been prolific and worked hard on that side of my game . ’
21 ‘ Everyone on the MMSC team has pulled together well and worked conscientiously towards this target , ’ Mike said .
22 Well I was between sixteen and seventeen because I think I started r er working there in the mid Summer or or m early Spring of twenty seven , and worked there through that period , all through nineteen twenty eight , then I emigrated to the United States in nineteen twenty nine .
23 He was worn out trying to control the University students who dropped their spears on the stairs and chatted loudly to each other in the wings .
24 This , however , is not an adequate explanation because it can not account for the kind of statement made by the apprentice of his appreciation of the grandeur of work that was quoted by Willis ( 1976 ) and repeated earlier in this paper .
25 At the celebration banquet , Chapman pondered , as ever , on how to keep Arsenal on top , and looked forward to another championship the following year .
26 Similarly , extensive pastures can be at some distance , since animals can be walked there and kept there for some time by herdsmen .
27 And it 's all written down and stored away in some bank vault in the city . ’
28 Several of the articles in this important collection produced over the last ten years and gathered together in this volume for the first time , focus particularly on ordinary femininity .
29 They never mix socially or academically and thought badly of each other .
30 The French couple at the next table heard the scurrilous word and stared reproachfully at this affront to their palates .
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