Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
2 He smiled too , and stabbed me in the gut with the gun-barrel hard enough to make me suck in my breath .
3 It had been alleged that after hiring Mr Mullan 's taxi for a journey from Gourock to Greenock , he produced a hunting knife and stabbed him on the chest .
4 The prosecution claims that Westmore James got into a row with the cousin , and stabbed him in the neck on the steps of a social security office .
5 She found the rabbit , chewing on a stubby cactus , and stabbed it in the neck .
6 Yussuf caught hold of her and propelled her towards the gate .
7 She dragged her eyes up and watched as , unhurriedly , he stripped off his heavy gloves and laid them across the bike before lifting his helmet off and balancing it in front of him .
8 Then he took the stones from their pouch and laid them at the bottom of the Bowl .
9 He took the locket and the manuscript out of his pocket and laid them on the desk in front of the headmaster .
10 Zen took out a notepad and pencil and laid them on the desk .
11 Ronni carried them indoors and laid them on the kitchen table , scarcely able to bear the mouth-watering aromas that were escaping from beneath the tin foil .
12 George Yaxlee took the contents of the back pocket and laid them on the mantelshelf .
13 Carter took out his packet of cigarettes and a box of matches and laid them on the locker .
14 She took some notes from her pocketbook and laid them on the table by her plate and her half-empty glass .
15 Carson appeared with the towels , a bath-sized and two hand-sized , and laid them on the duvet by her bag .
16 So all attending had brought their freshly picked bunches with them and laid them on the coffin as they arrived , and I must say that it looked — and smelled — lovely .
17 Ivan had wrapped them together in the curtains his mother had made for the sitting room , and laid them in the bottom of the grave .
18 Downstairs , the old man gathered together the piles of coins and laid them in the tin chest .
19 As the half-stifled bees crawled drunkenly across the stone and straw , they swiftly cut most of the heavy slabs of honeycomb off the sticks and laid them in the leather sacks .
20 If he 'd picked her up and laid her on the bed and taken her with all the passion and strength his virile body was promising her at that moment , she would n't have raised a finger to stop him , so when he swung her around in his arms and deposited her nearer to the bathroom door before removing his arms from her she was left gasping with surprise and a sinking feeling of disappointment mixed with humiliation which shook her with its intensity .
21 I snatched up my doll , Topsey , and laid her in the cart and ran after Mum who was half way down the street before I caught her up .
22 She walked across to the dresser flattened the cheque out and laid it beside the bucket .
23 He took off the heavy overcoat he was wearing and laid it across the top of the filing cabinet .
24 She made an offering of flowers and fruits , spurred pennants of scarlet heliconia from the rainforest , blue-blushed rue and sorrel vines with tendrils trailing , and laid it on the pit .
25 He and Broughton carried the dead body of Hilary Frome from its resting place at the top of the stairs , and laid it on the bed in the sick bay .
26 She took the dress and laid it on the bed again .
27 Wycliffe took her letter to Riddle from his pocket and laid it on the desk in front of her .
28 Louis carefully folded his handkerchief into a square and laid it on the deck beside his chair .
29 He took the flare from its bracket and laid it on the top of the trap-door .
30 He took a 78 from the shelf in the cabinet , wiped it with a fat hand , and laid it on the turntable .
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